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英 [ɪk,sperɪ'ment(ə)l; ek-] 美[ɛk'spɛrɪ'mɛntəl]
  • adj. 实验的;根据实验的;试验性的


Brunstrom, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol.


Einstein used a definition of time for experimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock.


Experimental users may try drugs once or twice.

2015年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

Matthew Rushworth, of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, sees this in his lab every day.


Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology recommended that every postdoctoral researcher put together an IDP m consultation with an adviser.


In a study that will appear in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Plant's team tested 229 students during the height of the Obama fever.


According to a series of experiments published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology by professors Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swignley, the act of using verbal clues to 27 trigger mental pictures helps people function quicker.

2017年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section A

It is a movement building steady momentua call to make research data, software code and experimental methods publicly available and transparent.

2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

This is evidence of an experimental approach.

2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

The structures of musical pieces are now open to experimental analysis as never before.

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