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英 [ʌn'laɪk] 美['ʌn'laɪk]
  • adj. 不同的,不相似的
  • prep. 和…不同,不像


But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence ( ' , 放纵 ) and luxury, for the ancient Greeks, it meant finding a state of calm, peace and mental ease.


But unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.

2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

Explaining what the data revealed, he said: "What you see is that even after three years, mental health is still better, which is unlike many other things that we think will make us happy." He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed

2018年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

There were fishermen and farmers who provided fresh food that tasted and looked like food, unlike that in today's supermarkets.

2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

Unlike any of these typical responses, I'm proud to say that I love to dance salsa after a long and tiring day of work.

2019年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers ( ' , 下水道).


All the forecasts, plans, and anticipations cited above have failed so miserably because their authors and promoters thought the transitions they hoped to implement would proceed unlike all previous energy transitions, and that their progress could be accelerated in an unprecedented manner.


Unlike the Americans, who felt that the markets knew best, the Europeans failed to anticipate how the markets would react to their endless borrowing.


It has a very informal atmosphere, quite unlike some grand houses you visit.


Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock will blow the sea surface.


And, unlike nutrients that are found only in few foods, protein is present in all foods.

2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

As Vaclav Smil points out, "All the forecasts, plans, and anticipations cited above have failed so miserably because their authors and promoters thought the transitions they hoped to implement would proceed unlike all previous energy transitions, and that

2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

The reality is, taking one's phone out at the wrong time is worse than belching because, unlike other minor offense, checking tech is contagious.

2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

They are thin, tall, long-legged and virtually unlike any real human being.

2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B

Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers.

2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

But unlike most collectors, Zac tracks down the medals' rightful owners, and returns them.

2019年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

But unlike school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term resting.

2017年高考英语全国卷3 语法填空 原文

Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand.

2015年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 单项填空 选项

It is unlike any other riding experience.

2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to contribute to this process.

2016年高考英语上海卷 完形填空 原文

Unlike fast-food places, fine dining shops prefer customers to stay longer and spend.

2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

Unlike most of the netherlands, Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of sand.

2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

Unlike the forced wait, which is also voluntary, waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen.

2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

Unlike traditional gyms, app-backed gyms offer people flexible options to exercise.

2019年高考英语江苏卷 单项填空 原文

Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail chains, are too small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don’t eat at home.


But, unlike with mining claims, the community takes control of what happens next.


But unlike their absolutist counterparts in the Gulf and Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.


But unlike in friendships, you need coworkers.

2020年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

The H-2A visa has no numerical cap, unlike the H-2B visa for non-agricultural work, which is limited to 66, 000 a year.

2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child's growing grasp of social and moral norms.

2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

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