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时间:2024-07-19 22:25:30 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:“The thing about life, Harry had told Lauren, was to live in the world with interest. To keep your eyes open and see the possibilities - see the humanity - in...

“The thing about life, Harry had told Lauren, was to live in the world with interest. To keep your eyes open and see the possibilities - see the humanity - in everybody you met. To be aware. If he had anything at all to teach her it was that.” —RunAway


“The conversation of kisses. Subtle, engrossing, fearless, transforming.”—RunAway

“爱的语言—— 微妙的、美好的和无惧的。”——《逃离》

“There is a limit to the amount of misery and disarray you will put up with, for love, just as there is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand around a house. You can’t know the limit beforehand, but you will know when you’ve reached it. I believe this.”


“Never underestimate the meanness in people’s souls... Even when they’re being kind... especially when they’re being kind.”


“Because if she let go of her grief even for a minute it would only hit her harder when she bumped into it again. ”


“Moments of kindness and reconciliation are worth having, even if the parting has to come sooner or later.”


“Always remember that when a man goes out of the room, he leaves everything in it behind... When a woman goes out she carries everything that happened in the room along with her.” -Too Much Happiness


“Why is it a surprise to find that people other than ourselves are able to tell lies?”


“In your life there are a few places, or maybe only the one place, where something happened, and then there are all the other places.”-Too Much Happiness


“I can’t play bridge. I don’t play tennis. All those things that people learn, and I admire, there hasn’t seemed time for. But what there is time for is looking out the window.”


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