The Friends You Make at College
1. The Overachiever[1])
Defining Traits: This person is president, chair, captain, or founder of every club they’re in. You’re Friends Because: Being around them is like being around a human pep talk[2]). They make you want to step up your game[3]).
Catchphrase[4]): “Sorry, gotta run to a meeting.”
2. The Genuine Academic
Defining Traits: They have read more books than you’ve seen in your whole life … Not because it’s assigned, but because they’re interested in the world.
You’re Friends Because: Let’s be real. Without them around to explain things to you, you’d be an idiot.
Catchphrase: “Yeah, The Atlantic had a story about it last month.”
3. The English Major
Defining Traits: Uncontrollable instinct to correct your grammar, speaks half in literary quotations, has etched[5]) a couplet[6]) into their desk at some point.
You’re Friends Because: You need someone to proofread your papers … And keep you literate.
Catchphrase: “The book is so much better, you guys.”
4. The Athlete
Defining Traits: They’re two different people depending on whether or not their sport is in season. Disciplined as all hell. Sweatpant[7]) chic[8]).
You’re Friends Because: Their perfect and able body motivates you to put down the Cheetos[9]) and pick up the dumb-bells[10]).
Catchphrase: “Sorry, man, gotta run to practice.”
5. The Slacker[11]) Genius
Defining Traits: They go out more than you and get better grades than you. You’ve never witnessed them doing homework, but the homework is always done.
You’re Friends Because: We all need heroes.
Catchphrase: “Wanna get high?”
6. The Start-Up Whiz[12])
Defining Traits: They have a different genius business idea every week. Swear they thought of Twitter before Twitter thought of Twitter.
You’re Friends Because: It’s nice to see someone so genuinely excited about making life easier. And you never know when they’ll drop out.
Catchphrase: “The next big thing.”
7. The Socialite[13])
Defining Traits: Nobody knows why or how they know this person but literally everybody knows this person.
You’re Friends Because: I mean, who knows? But they’re super nice and you don’t mind it so …
Catchphrase: “Oh my god, it is SO good to see you!”
8. The Internet Savvy[14])
Defining Traits: Live-tweeting expert. Everything on their Facebook gets over 50 likes. Use hashtags[15]) and abbreviations IRL. Higher Klout[16]) score than you.
You’re Friends Because: You need someone to text asking what “IRL” and “Klout” mean.
Catchphrase: “Omg, one sec, I wanna Instagram[17]) this really quick.”