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短篇小说- 雨中的猫

时间:2024-07-19 22:18:37 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Cat in the Rain 雨中的猫-------- Ernest Hemingway《雨中的猫》是海明威的一篇反映两性冲突的短篇小说。本文运用语言学及心理学的知识来分析了女主人公的觉醒,渴望自由的...

Cat in the Rain 雨中的猫

-------- Ernest Hemingway


There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel. They did not know any of the people they passed on the stairs on their way to and from their room. Their room was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. There were big palms and green benches in the public garden. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel. Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea. Italians came from a long way off to look up at the war monument. It was made of bronze and glistened in the rain. It was raining. The rain dripped from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The sea broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back down the beach to come up and break again in a long line in the rain. The motor cars were gone from the square by the war monument. Across the square in the doorway of the cafe a waiter stood looking out at the empty square.


The American wife stood at the window looking out. Outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping green tables. The cat was trying to make herself so compact that she would not be dripped on.

’I’m going down and get that kitty,’ the American wife said. ’I’ll do it,’ her husband offered from the bed

No, I’ll get it. The poor kitty out trying to keep dry under a table.

The husband went on reading, lying propped up with the two pillows at the foot of the bed.






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