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时间:2024-07-16 21:19:18 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:比较级知识点1. 要注意比较对象的一致性His camera is more expensive than ____.A. hersB. herC. it D. its此题应选A, 容易误选B, 这里涉及的主要是比较对象的一致性问题...


1. 要注意比较对象的一致性

His camera is more expensive than ____.

A. hersB. herC. it D. its

此题应选A, 容易误选B, 这里涉及的主要是比较对象的一致性问题。正如我们不能将“一公斤肉”与“一尺布”进行比较一样,我们不能将“他的照相机”与“她(它)”比较。比较以下正误句型:


误:The population of China is much larger than Japan. (“中国的人口”不能与“日本”比较)

正:The population of China is much larger than that of Japan. (句中 that=the population)


误:Before liberation our life was worse than draught animals. (“我们的生活”不能与“牛马”


正:Before liberation our life was worse than that of draught animals. (that=the life)


误:Most of the highways in America are wider than Europe. (“美国公路”不能与“欧洲”比较)

正:Most of the highways in America are wider than those in Europe. (those=the highways)

2. than any other……还是than any……

Canada is larger than ____ country in Asia.

A. anyB. any other C. other D. another

此题应选A。很容易误选B, 因为 than any other……这一表达在许多考生脑海里已成了一种“定势”, 可以脱口而出。而出题者也正是利用考生这一“定势”设置陷阱。

此题要选A, 这里涉及的不仅仅是一个语法问题, 而且还包括一个逻辑和常识问题。试比较(a句错, b句对):

(1) a. *China is larger than any country in Asia.

中国比亚洲任何国家都要大。(因为 China 在亚洲 范围之内, 所以由此句推出:中国比中国也要大, 显 然荒唐)

b. China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲任何其它国家都要大。

(2) a. *Canada is larger than any other country in Asia. 加拿大比亚洲任何其它国家都要大。 (由于 Canada不在亚洲范围之内, 所以无需用 other)

b. Canada is larger than any country in Asia. 加拿大比亚洲任何国家都要大。

以上分析告诉我们:在这类比较级句型中, other的主要作用是排除“自己跟自己比较”的可能。具体地讲:如果所谈及的人或事物在比较范围之内则用other, 不在比较范围之内则不用other。

顺便说一句, 除了用other来排除“自己与自己比较”之外, 我们还可用else:This book is moreinteresting than any book else [=. . than any other book]. 这本书比其它任何一本书都更有趣。

3. 你会正确使用比较等级的修饰语吗

A:He is ____ cleverer than his brother.

B:Yes, but he is ____ the lazier.

A. more, much B. quite, by far C. far, by farD. very, a lot

此题应选 C。其余几项均有可能被误选。此题主要考察比较等级的修饰语。不能选A, B, D的原因是more, quite, very等均不能修饰比较级。

far / by far都可以修饰比较级和最高级, 注意以下几点:

1. far可以修饰比较级和最高级, 且通常前置。

2. by far也可以修饰比较级和最高级, 且可以前置也可以后置。但是, 若置于比较级前, 通常应在比较级前加上the。

正:This is far better. 这要好得多。

正:This is far the best. 这是最最好的。

正:This is better by far. 这要好得多。

正:This is by far the better. 这要好得多。

正:This is by far the best. 这是最最好的。

正:This is the best by far. 这是最最好的。


1. 修饰原级:very, quite, rather, too, pretty, how, so等

2. 修饰比较级:even, much, still, rather, (by) far, not any, a lot, a little, a bit, twice, three times 等

注意:quite 一般不用来修饰比较级, 但有一个特例, 即quite better (指身体情况)。

3. 修饰最高级:(by) far, much, nearly, almost, quite, by no means 以及the very, the second, thenext等

4. 你会使用as……as结构的修饰语吗

After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ____ tractors in 1988 as the yearbefore.

A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as


(1) as……as结构有哪些修饰语。主要的有:just, quite, nearly, almost, exactly, half, twice, threetimes 等:

He is just as tall as his father. 他刚好与他父亲一样高。

It’s not nearly so difficult as you think. 这远不象你想象的那样难。

(2) 修饰as……as结构的词语的位置:只能放在as……as结构之前, 绝不能插入其中:

This rope is exactly as long as that one. 这根绳子与那根绳子恰好一样长。

He hasn’t been quite so unlucky as he pretends. 他不象他装的那样不幸。

(3) as……as 结构的其它注意点:该结构一定要用形容词或副词的原级, 不能用比较级或最高级。在肯定句中要用 as……as, 但是在否定句中用as……as / so……as均可:

The horse is getting old and can’t run as [so]fast as it did. 这匹马老了, 不如以前跑得快了。

5. 你能正确理解 no+比较级+than 结构吗

A:Is he very fich?

B:No, not at all. He’s ____ richer than a beggar.

A. notB. noC. much D. more

此题应选B。容易误选A, 误认为这是一般的肯定句变为否定句, 用not不用no。其实此题要选B, 句意为“他跟乞丐一样穷”。其中的 no+比较级+than 意为“与……一样不”, 否定两者, 大致相当于该比较级形容词或副词的反义词。如:

(1) a. This box is not bigger than that one. 这个盒 子不如那个盒子大。

b. This box is no bigger than that one. 这个盒 子与那个盒子一样不大。(=This box is as small asthat one)

(2) a. He didn’t arrive earlier than Mary. 他没有比 玛丽来得早。

b. He arrived no earlier than Mary. 他与玛丽一样 来得不早。(=He arrived as late as Mary)

类例:no taller than=as short as 一样矮

no more clever than=as foolish as 一样蠢

注意以下句型也属类似情况:no more……than表示对两者都否定, 意为“同……一样不”(=neither……nor):

He’s no more a writer than a painter. 他不是画家, 也不是作家(正如他不是画家一样, 他也不是作家)。

(=He is neither a painter nor a writer. )

A whale is no more a fish than a horse. 马不是鱼, 鲸也不是鱼(正如马不是鱼一样, 鲸也不是鱼)。

(Neither a horse nor a whale is a fish)

6. 你会正确区分older / elder, farther / further吗

— Who is ____, Jim or Jack?

— Jim and his father wants to send him to the US for ____ education.

A. older, fartherB. older, furtherC. elder, fartherD. elder, further

此题应选B, 主要考察older / elder和farther / further的区别:

1. 关于older / elder:

(1) 用于家人之间表示长幼关系, 通常用elder(在美国英语中也用 older):one’s elder [older] brother 哥哥 / the elder [older] daughter 大女儿

(2) elder只指人不指物, 只用作定语, 不用作表语, 且不用于比较句型, 但older无此限制:

误:He is elder than me.

正:He is older than me. 他年纪比我大。

误:Which building is elder, this one or that one?

正:Which building is older, this one or that one?


2. 关于 farther / further:

(1) 在英国英语中, 两者均可用来指距离(但美国英语倾向于用 farther):

Can you go any farther [further]? 你还走得动吗?

(2) 若用于引申义, 表示“更进一步”、“更多”等义, 则只能用further:

We’ll further discuss it. 我们会进一步讨论它。

3. eldest / oldest, farthest / furthest的区别同上。

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