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时间:2024-07-19 21:44:13 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:


1. Holidays

A: Hi, can you tell me something about Chinese holidays?

B: Yeah, I’m glad to introduce some representative holidays days like Spring Festival,the Mid-Autumn Festival,Dragon Boat Festival and so on.

A: I heard that different areas have different customs in holidays.

B: That’s right. There may be some differences in detail, but in a large degree, the celebrations are alike.

A: In spring festival, peoples would eat dumplings. Are there any other things that must be done in these days?

B: Yeah. Before the holidays, we always do shopping in preparation for the Spring Festival, place doublets and set firecrackers to welcome the New Year’s coming with our family.

A: It sounds great. There must be very big noise and we will felt warmly to enjoy the interesting scene.

B: Yes, the whole family enjoys the holidays together.

A: During the festival, people visit relatives and friends with presents.

B: Yeah, this is the tradition in Spring Festival.

A: Okay, thank you for telling me about these.

B: You are welcome.

2. travel

A: Hi, I have heard that you are going to take a trip to henan.

B: Yeah, I was just planning for it. Do you have any suggestions about where to go what to see?

A: First, you have to make a plan about what you want to do.

B: Maybe I’d like to go outside to see beautiful scenery and try to eat delicious food.

A: I would have to say, first of all, if you really want to go for a trip, Kaifeng is your first choice because it’s one of the most popular places of interest and it has many kinds of local food to eat such as soup dumplings and peanut cake.

B: Yeah, I have heard that before. And I always want to taste all the food there.

A: And, you can also see baogongfu, qingmingshanghetu, and kaifengfu. They are Kaifeng’s Representative scenic spots.

B: Yeah, that will be a good idea. I can also go to the Shaolin Temple to visit Kungfu, and it is not far from Kaifeng to dengfeng, isn’t it?

A: It seems that you already have a plan. So enjoy your trip!

B: Thanks for your advice. See you.

3. Education

A: Good morning, Rosie.

B: Morning, JC. What a good day!

A: Yeah, the climate is always good these days .I read a book about the difference of high education between America and China.

B: Oh, you must have learned a lot.

A: Yeah, do you have any opinions about this?

B: Yes, I know in America, the high education is very free. Students have several chances in a year to enter a college. And they can choice their own major according to their interests.

A: yeah. In China there is only one chance in a year.

B: And they have different training mode.

A: The mode is set to "stringent entry, lenient exit" in China, However, the mode in America is just the opposite.

B: Eh, the phenomenon indeed exists. And it will not be changed in recent decades!

A: For this question, I also have same view. OK, It is nice to talk with you! I have to go.

B: Fine, maybe talk about this next time. Bye!

4. Transport

A: Hello, Rosie. What’s wrong with you? You are absent from the class yesterday,.

B: Oh, bad luck. I happened to meet a traffic jam on the road.

A: Eh, Beijing’s transport is too terrible, especially in the early morning and late afternoon.

B: That is the point. Although there are huge transportation hubs, thousands of traffic line, many buses and subways, the public transport is far from being satisfactory.

A: I agree with you, Last week, I went to Chaoyang District for an activity, the bus was always at a standstill, and what I can do is just waiting with anxiety.

B: It’s true. Maybe the only landscape I can see is the bicycles weaving their way slowly between buses and cars.

A: Yes, a few people don’t abide the rules. It will have a bad impact on the social order.

B: You are right. If everyone obeys the rules, maybe the whole condition will be improved greatly.

A: But I also think, sometimes, it’s more convenient for us to ride a bicycle than to take a bus in Beijing.

B: I totally agree with you, and I’m just thinking about buying a bicycle.

A: Good idea, maybe we can buy the bicycles together tomorrow.

B: Deal. See you tomorrow.

A: Bye.

5. Environment

A:Oh, Rosie. It has been a long time since we met last time. How are you and when did you come back?

B:I’m fine, thank you. I just came back yesterday.

A:You have left our hometown for five years. Did you find any big changes in our hometown?

B: Oh, yes. When I came back, I found our hometown became more and more beautiful. Especially the sky, it looks very blue. And the street became clear. I still remember that before I left here, the environment of our hometown was not very good.

A:Yes. But in recently years, our hometown’s government pays more attention to the environment .Therefore the factories that pollute the environment are closed up.

B:I think the government’s measures are very efficient ! We have the responsibility

to protect our environment. Everyone should do what we can to protect it.

A:Yes, the government advocates us to plant more trees to keep water and earth from running away, and citizens often ride a bike or walk instead of driving cars. They use paper bags or shopping baskets when shopping.

B:If everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our lives will be much better.

A:Yes, I agree with you. All of us hope to live in a place where blue sky is blue and the air is fresh, the hills are green and the water is clear. And this afternoon, we will go to plant trees and flowers. Would you like to join us?

B:Oh, of course! It’s my duty.

A:Ok, let’s go!

6. Sports

A: Hi, I’m Rosie, what are you reading?

B: Hi, Rosie, I’m JC. I’m reading the sports news. And it is about Kobe and Beckham. Well, do you know them?

A: Well, generally, girls do not care much about sports. But I’m different, and I have my own opinions about them. They are the most perfect athletes all over the world, but they play in two different fields. Kobe plays basketball, however Beckham plays football.

B: Wow, very good, it is very surprised to mefor you knowing so much about them. Do you also often read the sports news?

A: Yeah, I always notice many sports! What’s more, I often do sports! And I take part in these sports several times a week.

B: Oh, my God! For girls, many of them have no interest in sports and they have nothing to say when it comes to the topic of sports.

A: Yeah! You are right, but this doesn’t suit me! I participate in many different sports. For example, I play basketball, football, tennis, table tennis, volleyball…Oh, you should also like these sports, did you?

B: Yeah, I indeed like sports. I play basketball two times a week. And sometimes, I also play football. I watch every game about them.

A: It seems you are a loyal fan.

B: That is right. It’s so nice to talk with you. Maybe we can play basketball together next time.

A: Oh, I will be looking forward for that day to come. Bye.

7. Jobs

Y: Hey, how is your application for a job? Do you receive any offers?

W: Only two, but I don’t want to sign up with the two companies. How about you?

Y: I have signed a company a couples days ago. I will work in a state-owned enterprise for five years in Beijing. The position I have applied is R&D personnel. The company has promised that they will solve the household problem.

W: Really? That sounds appealing. It will be great for you to get a chance to work in Beijing.

Y: Yes, Beijing is the best city I want to live. Do you have a favorite city that you really want to live for a life, a big modern city or a small beautiful city?

W: Maybe I will go to a small city and choose a small promising company to work in.

Y: Why you want to go to small city?

W: They will be less competitive and we can live easily. The most important is that there might be more advantages for me to hold my own company years later.

Y: If you want to operate your own company, a small enterprise can be more appropriate for you. Working in that company, you can get the information of the whole operating procedure of the company.

W: In addition, I will meet more people from various fields which is a good source for founding my own company. And in small city, it doesn’t need so many financial supports as in big cities.

Y: wow, you have a big ambition. I just want a job that I like and that can make me live a stable life.

W: Yeah, you will have many development chances in Beijing.

Y: I hope so. And I wish you get you ideal offer as soon as possible.

W: thank you!

8. Culture

A: hi JC how are you.

B: fine, thank you.

A: So, ah, I heard you come from USA. did you get used to the life in China, your know, some time it is a little bit hard for western student.

B: Yeah, you’re right, it is hard, because of the culture difference. and it ismy first time study abroad, so I guess it still takes more time to get used it.

A:what is the most difficult thing for you to live here? Perhaps I can help you out.

B:Oh, really? That’s great. I guess the most difficult thing is the custom. Lacking of knowledge about Chinese custom sometime bring me troubles.

A:for example?

B:In western culture close friends and even family members thank each other for the slightest help or favor.It seems very different from China! A simple task like opening a door is seen as expected behavior among friends.There is no need to thank!

A:That’s ture.In china,a simple help behavior among friends.There is no need to thank.

B:I’m quiet afraid to do something impolite to my Chinese classmates just because of the custom difference.

A:I can totally understand it, It happend to me when I learnt English before. I think you can read some books or search on the internet to know more about Chinese customs. and you’d better to play with some Chinese guys and talk to them,you can learn more by communicating

B:Umm. Good idea!

A:by the way,showing respect for other culture is very important and will be good for people s’ relationship between different culture.

B: Exactly. Thank you for your advice.

A:Oh, it is all right.

9. Entertainment

Y: Have you heard that Liang Jingru will have her vocal concert in Beijing?

W: Really? Where did you get the news? I don’t know that.

Y: This morning, when I checked the homepage of her on internet, I saw one notification that she will come to Beijing next month to hold her vocal concert.

W: Great! You know I love her so much. In my heart, she is the most beautiful singers and she sings the most impressive songs. When I heard her songs at the first time, I was deeply surprised and appealed.

Y: Yes, when listening to her songs,I can clearly feel the emotion her voice impressed. Sometimes, it is just the same as our own mood.

W: Eh, in her songs, we can also heard the strength and power of love for relations between friends and for our life.

Y:Yeah. It’s a good chance to see her in the live scene rather than TV. How about going to her concert?

W: Good idea. Do you have some idea about the theme of the concert?

Y: It is said that publicizing her new CD is the primary task. We just want to see her.

W: Right! I expect to see her more than her CD.

Y:She has changed greatly after her marriage. Now, she is more mature than before.

W: The style of her song may change either. In any case, I love her as continuous as before.

Y: First, we should search for the way to get ticket as soon as possible.

W: Okay, let’s go to have a look on the internet.

10. Health

Dr Green:Good morning, I am Dr Green. What can I do for you?

Lily:Morning, Dr Green, My name is Lily. I didn’t feel well today.

Dr Green:Tell me what’s wrong with you, Lily.

Lily:I have been coughing,and I have a headache.

Dr Green:How long have you been like this?

Lily:I have been like this since last morning.

Dr Green:You seems to have a fever. Wait a moment, I’ll take a temperature for you.


(Two minutes later)

Dr Green:Yes, you really got a fever. Your temperature was 39 degrees in centigrade.

Lily:Is it serious?

Dr Green: No,please don’t worry,. I’ll give you some medicine. As long as you take the medicine everyday on time, drink enough water and have good rest, you will be fine very soon.

Lily:Where can I take these medicine?

Dr Green:Take this prescription to the pharmacy, and the nurse will give you some medicine.

Lily:How soon can I be all right again?

Doctor:If you have a good rest, you will be all right in three days.

Lily:That will be great. Thank you very much, doctor.

Dr Green:You are welcome. Have a good rest and take care yourself.

Lily:Thank you. I will. Bye.

Dr Green: Bye!



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