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时间:2024-07-19 21:42:04 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:"Kindness like a boomerang always returns" 善良就像回旋飞镖,总会回到出发的地方Many years ago there were no leash laws.许多年以前,宠物系绳的法规还没有颁布People&rs...

"Kindness like a boomerang always returns" 善良就像回旋飞镖,总会回到出发的地方

Many years ago there were no leash laws.许多年以前,宠物系绳的法规还没有颁布

People’s pets were allowed to roam around freely.人们的宠物可以自由的四处奔跑

It was hard to tell sometimes if an animal was someone’s pet or a stray.有时很难分清,一只动物是某人的动物,还是流浪者

While we lived in Kentucky当我们还住在肯塔基州的时候

there was a cat I named Miss Kitty who came to visit every so often.有一只被我唤作“喵小姐”的猫咪,她经常来拜访我们

When she arrived she would meow at the front door.每次到来,她就会在我们门前喵喵直叫

When I heard the meow我听到猫叫

I’d run to find some food and water就会端来食物和水

and take it out to her.放在她面前

She would eat, drink, stay a short while她会吃吃喝喝,然后留下来玩耍一会儿

then she would be on her way.然后就会离开

There was a period of time I didn’t see Miss Kitty.后来有一段时间,我一直没有看到喵小姐

I wondered what had happened to her.我不知道她出了什么事

Then one day I heard the familiar meow at the front door.直到有一天,我听到门外传来熟悉的猫叫声

When I opened the door I was surprised!我打开门,顿时感到惊喜不已

There was Miss Kitty with a tiny kitten in her mouth.喵小姐站在门外,嘴里还叼着一只小小猫崽

After I had made a big fuss about the little kitten to Miss Kitty我对喵小姐大肆夸赞了一番这只小猫崽多么可爱

I ran back into the house to get some food and water.然后跑回房去拿食物和水

I felt sad when I came back to see that Miss Kitty and the kitten were gone.没想到让我伤心的是,当我回到门外时,喵小姐和小猫崽已经走了

It wasn’t long and Miss Kitty was back again meowing at the door.不过没过多久,喵小姐又来了,还是在门外喵喵直叫

This time with another little kitten.这次,她带来了另一只小猫崽

This back and forth went on until she had shown me all four kittens.这样来来回回,她一共带来了四只小猫崽

It’s true kindness like a boomerang always returns.善良就像回旋飞镖,总会回到出发的地方,果真如此!

The kindness I had shown Miss Kitty boomeranged right back to me我对喵小姐付出的善良径直回到了我身边

when she brought her four kittens to the door.当她把那四只小猫带到我家门外的时候

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