大学英语3分钟口语小短文:养育一个孩子的付出 The Cost of Raising a Kid
When I was small, my mother always told me how much work she had contributed to raising me, so I was very afraid of making her angry. For parents, raising a kid indeed costs them a lot of money and spirit, they have to contribute physically and mentally. Being a parent is not easy.
To raise a kid, the first thing is about money. The parents need to pay off the kids’ bill, including their daily diet and clothing, what’s more, some kids want to buy the expensive toys. When the kids grow up, the parents need to pay off their education, it is the most heavy burden.Parents have to give money to kids until they find a job.
Besides the money, parents need to figure out a good way to educate their kids. The parents grow up with their kids growing up, they need to adjust their educational way to fit the children’s change. Most parents feel it hard to communicate with the kids, because they will go against you, how tired it is.
The cost of raising a kid is physically and mentally, every child should be considerate to their parents.
大学英语3分钟口语小短文:关于培养孩子 About Raising Kids
Today, I happened to read the news that most celebrities pay special attention to their kids’ education, when the baby was inborn, they had already planed the school, they order the school with good fame for the purpose that their kids can have the chance to enter the good school. Some parents even ask their kids to learn several skills in a time when the kids are in primary school. Every parent wants their kids to be the best, but it needs to step by step.
It is such common situation that most small kids need to take several after-class lessons, because the parents want their kids learn as more as possible, so they decide to send their children to learn many skills. In my opinion, the parents should not let their children learn so many classes in the early age, the kids need to spend some time to play with their friends, they need to breathe some fresh air. If the parents push them so much, the children will go against with the parents.
Every parent wants to raise their kids to be the excellent persons, but they must take the right way, they need to give their kids some freedom.
大学英语3分钟口语小短文:我在大学学到的东西 The Things I Learn in College
When I got the college entrance notice, I was so excited, all of my hard work had paid off. I could see my bright future. But going to the college is not as easy as I thought before, there are so many things I have to learn, I am happy to broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge.
Before I go to college, I had the beautiful imagination about the campus life. It felt like that I could do what I wanted and study was not the first thing. But the fact is that study is still the most important thing. So many students fight for their dreams here and they study so hard to be the excellent students. If I focus on playing, then I will lag behind. So I also have the pressure and I have to keep up with my classmates.
Besides knowledge, I also learn to be an independent person. I lived with my parents before I moved to the dormitory. Living outside, I need to learn to get along with others and solve the problems by myself. I am growing up and learn to be a mature person.
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