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首页 英语 双语美文:为什么汪星人没有起床气?


时间:2024-07-19 21:33:05 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:It was a cold, Winter morning.那是一个严寒的冬天早晨I hadn’t slept very well the night before昨晚我没有睡好so I was trying to catch a few extra winks before I...

It was a cold, Winter morning.那是一个严寒的冬天早晨

I hadn’t slept very well the night before昨晚我没有睡好

so I was trying to catch a few extra winks before I got up.本想在起床前争取再睡个回笼觉

The rising sun had other ideas, however.可是,升起的旭日却催促我起床

A beam of it snuck through my drawn curtains一束阳光穿透白色的窗帘

and started poking my eyelids直射在我的眼皮上

until they wearily opened.我疲惫的睁开眼睛

I groaned 不耐烦嘀咕着

and sat up on the side of the bed.在床边坐起

I put my feet on the floor careful我很小心的把脚放在地板上

not to step on my gassy, old, snoring beagle不想踩着我那只年老体衰,肠胃胀气,打着呼噜的小猎兔犬

who was still lying there.此时它正躺在床边

I stood up我站了起来

and slowly stretched my sore back.缓缓伸了个腰,感到腰背酸痛

It felt like我觉得

I had just completed a full day’s work自己好像刚干完了一天的苦力活儿

rather than I was just about to begin one.而不是刚准备开启新一天

I certainly wasn’t looking forward对这一天我没有丝毫期待

to another day of这一天不过是

washing clothes,尖细衣物

cooking meals,做饭

doing dishes,洗碗

cleaning house,打扫卫生

and all the other things that needed to be done.还有其他各种必须做的家务活儿

I sighed,我叹了口气

turned on the lights打开电灯

and pulled on my sweat pants,穿上运动裤


and heavy coat.和厚厚的外套

I knew我知道

what would be waiting for me有很多事情在等着我

when I opened the bedroom door.只要我打开了浴室的门

I swung it open我哗啦一下打开门

and there he was,它果然在那里

Fluffy my son’s extra big, and extra fluffy white dog.Fluffy,我儿子养的白狗,身形巨大,蓬松无比

I looked at him我看着它

with his smiling face,它面带微笑

energetic body,活力充沛

and wagging tail.不停摇着尾巴

I wondered我想着

how he got that way every morning他如何能每天早上都这样活力充沛?

without even a single cup of coffee.他甚至连一杯咖啡都没有喝呢

I leashed him up我用狗绳拴住他

and opened the front door打开前门

so he could take his morning walk这样他可以履行每日早晨的遛弯任务

and do his morning business.顺便做每日早晨他要做的事

He dragged me towards our Maple tree他拉着我走向家门前的枫树

with his nose sniffing all the way鼻子不停的嗅向每个方向

while the below freezing winds bit into my face.气温在零度以下,冷风刮着我的脸


the air smelt fres and clean空气十分清新干净

so I breathed in deep.于是我深深呼吸

I looked up to the sky我望向天空

and saw the morning sunrise旭日正好

blessing the sky with its beauty.阳光让天空格外美丽

Its pinks, purples, and yellows粉色,紫色和黄色

were a masterpiece构成一幅绝美的画卷

painted by Nature’s own hand.这是大自然母亲的手笔

I smiled when I saw it我看着天空露出微笑

and thought心想

maybe another day wouldn’t be so bad, after all.或许新的一天也不会那么糟糕吧

I looked forward to another day我期待这一天

of hugging my children,可以拥抱我的孩子

petting my dogs,爱抚我的狗狗

talking with my friends,与我的朋友散步

and writing my words.写我的文章

I looked forward to another day我期待这一天

living in love活在爱的怀抱之中

and sharing my own love as well.也可以将我的爱传播出去

What a glorious gift from Nature大自然母亲的馈赠

is another day here新的一天多么美好

in this wonderful world.在这个美好的世界

May you make yours希望你的新一天

a day of love,是有爱的一天

a day of laughter,有欢笑的一天

a day of kindness,有善意的一天

a day of goodness,有正能量的一天

and a day of joy.有喜悦的一天

May you make each day you are given here愿你让自己在这世间的每一天

a blessing that you share with nature都成为大自然的恩典

and with everyone you meet.愿你与所有人分享这恩典

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