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首页 英语 有声双语美文:你真的了解痛苦吗?


时间:2024-07-19 21:28:58 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:



What is pain? Pain is a reminder. It reminds us our mistakes. Pain is an alarm of upcoming beautiful days.什么是痛?痛提醒着我们。它让我们记得过去犯下的错。同时,痛也预示着即将到来的美好。

There are two types of pain in the world. 世界上有两种痛。

First is physical pain like tooth ache, body ache, back pain, neck pain etc. and second is heart pain. 第一种是生理上的,像牙痛,身上痛,背痛,脖子痛等等,第二种是心痛。

This pain has not any medicine yet. This pain only reduced by bearing it. Rumi says "The cure for pain is in the pain."心痛是无法通过药物治愈的,只能通过忍受它而得以减轻。

When we forget God and run after world and pain enters into our life because all the worldly things are painful.当我们忘记上帝遁入凡尘,痛就走进了我们的生命,因为所有世俗的东西都是痛苦的。

Pain is the only one thing which brings us close to God.痛是唯一的让我们接近上帝的东西。

In pain we never remember mom or dad or any friend. We just look at the sky and start praying.在痛苦中我们不会想到爸爸妈妈或者任何朋友。我们只会注视天空并开始祈祷。

God is the only one who understands us and support us throughout the bad time. Every relation in the world remains because of some selfishness and our relation with God is only remains because of love.上帝是唯一理解我们,支持我们度过艰难时光的人。世界上任何关系的维系都依靠某些个人利益,而我们和上帝的关系却只靠爱来维系。

Pain changes your life. It will increase your conscience. 痛苦会改变你的人生。它会让你满怀善意。

For the first time when you face the pain you feel like going mad.第一次面对痛苦的时候你像疯了一样。

You cry a lot, try a lot and after that you will pray and now you are on the right path. 你大哭,努力改变,然后你开始祈祷,于是你找到了正确的解决方式。

Everything created by God is for our benefits so do as with pain. Pain is necessary. It opens our heart and mind. It makes balance in our life.上帝创造的一切都是为了我们好,痛也不例外。痛苦是必要的。它让我们打开心扉。让我们的生命得到平衡。

Pain plays an important part in our life.痛在我们生命中占据很重要的地位。

Nobody can escape from it even all the angles, God and Goddesses of different religion who came into this world had to bear pain.没有人能逃脱痛苦,即使是天使,上帝甚至来自各个领域的众神。只要来到这个世界就要经受痛苦。

When we are in pain we try hard to get rid of it and here pain shows us the right path.当我们经受痛苦时,我们会努力地摆脱它,这时痛苦会为我们指明道路。

We become very conscious about our Karma which we always forget in our good time. 我们变得特别在意顺境中被我们忘记的因果。

Rumi says "These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them." Some painful situations continuously happen until we learn a lesson from them and every time it changes us.拉米说:“这些你经历的痛苦都是讯号,你要聆听它们。”有些痛苦一直伴随我们,直到我们从中吸取教训,每次我们都会被痛苦改变。

Karma. Our karma tells us about our situations. At which directions we are going.因果。我们的因果告诉我们当下的境况。我们将去向何方。

What we give is what we get. 我们给予什么,就会得到什么。We should learn to spread happiness if we want happiness in our life.


One should learn to watch their action because our actions become our karma and our karma leads us to happiness or sorrow.一个人应该学会注意他的行为,因为我们的行为会变成我们的因果,而因果决定了我们幸福还是悲伤。

The best lesson pain teaches us to feel others pain as well. 痛苦给我们最好的教训就是让我们学会感受他人的痛苦。

Pain teaches us how to pray for ourself and for others.痛教会我们如果为自己,也为他人祈祷。

If you want to escape from your future pains then start spreading happiness into others because pain is a result of our bad deeds. No good deeds give pain. Think about yours actions and ask yourself that what your actions is giving to others.如果你想避免日后的痛苦就从现在开始把幸福传播给他人吧,因为痛苦都是我们作恶的结果。行善从不会带来痛苦。反省一下你的行为,问问自己,你的行为会带给他人什么。

When we love someone whole heartedly we tend to give and give and give without expectations. 当我们全心全意爱着他人,我们会孜孜不倦地付出,不求任何回报。

And when we full of thankful to God then we are so happy and everything becomes so easy. 当我们十分感激上帝的时候,我们会感到特别幸福,一切都变得顺利起来。

Gratitude is the best way to get rid of your pain. Gratitude solves so many problems.感恩是摆脱痛苦最好的方式。感恩可以解决许多问题。

Gratitude gives us stress free happy life and I am sure like me you all also want stress free happy life. 感恩带给我们极其自由的,幸福的生活,而且我相信你们大家也和我一样,期待一种极其自由的,幸福的生活。

When I read on that time I thought to share this with you guys. So let’s practice it and have a happy life.每当我回想那段时光,我都想要把这一切分享给你们。所以把这些道理付诸行动,去拥有幸福的人生。

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