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首页 英语 Quora精选:这些胡说八道其实是真的


时间:2024-07-19 21:24:55 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:What are some mind-blowing facts that sound like ’BS’, but are actually true?有哪些令人震惊的话听起来是胡说八道,但其实是真的?获得102.4k好评的回答@S. H...

What are some mind-blowing facts that sound like ’BS’, but are actually true?有哪些令人震惊的话听起来是胡说八道,但其实是真的?

获得102.4k好评的回答@S. Hariharan:

1. The distance between Earth and the Moon is enough to fit all the planets in the solar system! 1.地球到月球的距离足以容下太阳系所有星球!

And then too, you will still have space left!然后还有剩余空间!

2. Saturn can float on water!2.土星能浮在水上!

If one can find a big enough body of water and put Saturn on it, it would actually float! This is because Saturn is mostly gaseous and its density would be less than water.( If calculated it would turn out to be something around 700kg/m^3; Density of water is 1000kg/m^3).如果能找到足够大的水池并把土星放水上,它真能浮起来!这是因为土星主要由气体构成,密度比水小(计算结果是土星密度约为700kg/m^3,水的密度是1000kg/m^3)。

3. There is a reservoir of water in space!(sort of)3.太空里有一个水库!

Astrophysicists have found a cloud that harbors 140 trillion times the water that is found on Earth. Simply put, it can supply 140 trillion planets as full of water as Earth is. But it is still unclear whether the water is D2O(Heavy Water/Deuterium oxide) or not.天体物理学家发现了一个云团,储水量是地球总水量的140万亿倍,简单点说能把140万亿个地球这样的星球注满水。但仍不清楚水的成分是否为D2O(重水/氧化氘)。

4. There are more stars in the observable universe than there are grains of sands on all the beaches of the earth combined!4.可观测的宇宙范围内星星的数量要比地球上所有沙滩加起来的沙粒要多!

There are about 5-10 times more Stars in the observable universe. There are very roughly around 7.5 x 10^18 grains of sand. That’s actually a very big number.可观测的宇宙范围内星星的数量要多出5-10倍,沙粒总数约为7.5 x 10^18,数量真的很庞大。

5. The entire human population is not big enough to completely fill the Grand Canyon!5.总人口还不够填满科罗拉多大峡谷的!

6. Scientists have been successfully able to reach temperatures as low as a billionth of a degree higher than the absolute zero6.科学家已经成功达到低至比绝对零度高十亿分之一度的温度。

7. Scientist have also been successful to slow down light to 17m/s and then stop it completely for over a minute7.科学家也成功把光速降低到17m/s,并彻底静止超过一分钟。

YES! They were able to stop it for a whole minute! In that time, light could have made 30 round trips to the moon!对!他们成功地将光静止整整一分钟!这一分钟内光都能到月球往返30圈了!

8. If you scale an apple to the size of the Earth, an atom would be the size of a normal apple8.如果你把一个苹果放大到地球那么大,那一个原子就像普通苹果那么大。

9. Weight of a Hurricane9.飓风的重量

You see that white, fluffy cloud in the sky? How much do you think it weighs? I mean, its floating right? It can’t possibly weigh much, right?你看到天上白色松软的云了吗?你觉得它有多重?我的意思是它在飘着吧?不可能太重,对吧?

Well, the average white cloud actually weighs around a 100 metric tons!嗯,其实白云平均重量约100吨!

So how do they stay afloat? They stay afloat due to the rising warm currents of air which don’t let the water from the clouds fall!那它们怎么能一直飘着呢?它们能一直飘着要归功于上升的暖气流不让云中的水掉下来!

Okay, so, If a white cloud weighs this much, how much would a black cloud weigh(The average storm cloud)?好了,那么如果白云这么重,那乌云(普通的风暴云)会有多重?

A whopping 50,000 metric tons!! To get a perspective how heavy that is, it weighs the same as 280 blue whales!重量惊人达50,000吨!!形象一点描述的话,这个重量相当于280头蓝鲸。

Now, to the main topic, how much would a hurricane weigh?言归正传,飓风有多重?

If you consider the typical hurricane that strikes the US, it weighs a staggering 50 Million Metric tons!!以袭击美国的典型飓风为例,重量竟达5千万吨!!

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