1,I have a typical 9 to 5 job.我通常朝九晚五
2,Do you get paid extra for working overtime?你加班有薪酬吗?
3,We do expect you to do a little overtime if there’s something important to do.如果有重要的事,咱们期望你能够加班。
4,Do you have any breaks?有歇息时间吗?
5,We have an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1.从12点到1点咱们有一个小时的午间歇息时间。
6,We can take coffee breaks during the day.咱们有工间歇息时间
7,As I’m a policeman, I do a lot of shift work.作为一名警察,我常常轮班
8,My job involves a lot of paperwork.我的工作包含很多的文书工作。
9,Do you work in a cubicle?你工作场地有小隔间吗
10,Department heads also attend an interdepartmental meeting each week.部分领导每周都开部分会议
11,Salaries are paid directly into our bank accounts.薪酬直接打入咱们的银行账户
12,I get sales commission depending on the value of the contracts I sign with clients.我能够依据和客户签定的合同价值取得出售提成。