41. blur v. 变模糊 >Fog blurred my vision.
42. bribe v. 行贿 >Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.
43. browse v. 浏览 ~ a web-page
44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/
45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊
46. carve v. 刻
47. casualty n. 伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported inthe battle.
48. cater to v. 迎合 > cater to the consumers
49. caution n. 小心
50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有>~friendship/~ the hope that
51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的
52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量)>Reader has the largest ~ in China.
53. climax n. 高潮 the ~ of the play
54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住, 依恋;坚持,墨守>The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that....
55. coincidence n. 巧合
56. collaboration n. 合作 in ~ with
57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突 The two opinions ~ with each other.
58. commence v. 开始
59. commute v. 乘车上下班 >I have to ~ between theuniversity town and the downtown area.
60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的 a ~ car/office
61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的>That husband and wife are very ~.
62. compensate v. 赔偿 >The insurance company ~d theman for his injuries.
63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑 ~ a encyclopedia
64. complement v. 补充,与。。。相配 The music ~s the filmwell.
65. compliment v. /n. 赞美
66. comply with v. 遵从
67. compulsory a. 必做的 ~ education
68. conceive of v. 构想 I can’t ~ of why he did such a stupidthing!
69. confidential a. 机密的
70. confrom to v. 遵守 ~ to the local customs
71. consensus n. 意见一致> If everyone consents tosomething, they reach a consensus.
72. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的 lack of electricity and the ~ loss in economy
73. conserve v. 保护,Ifyou conserve something, youuse it carefully and will not wasteit.>In winter some people ~ energy bylowering the heat at night.
74. consolidate v. 巩固
75. conspicuous a. 显眼的 The girl in red in the snowfield is very ~.
76. contaminate v. 污染 If you ~ something, you make itdirty.
77. contemplate v. 沉思; 凝视 >You must ~ the results of the action.
78. contempt n. 轻视 >Before the competition,Williams held the little known player in contempt.
79. contend v. 主张=assert > The lawyer contendsthat the man is guilty.
80. contradict v. 相矛盾