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首页 英语 举例子的高级表达用法


时间:2024-07-19 20:40:49 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:高级英语表达可使你的写作更加生动且富有表现力。举例的高级表达英文 在英语写作中,举例是一种常见的表达方式,但是如果只是简单地使用"for example"或者"in addition to"等...

高级英语表达可使你的写作更加生动且富有表现力。举例的高级表达英文 在英语写作中,举例是一种常见的表达方式,但是如果只是简单地使用"for example"或者"in addition to"等基础表达,文章很容易显得单调乏味。下面为大家整理了举例子的高级表达用法,供大家参考。



例如:For example, he loves outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and kayaking. (例如,他喜欢户外活动,如徒步旅行、骑自行车和划皮划艇)。


例如:For instance, she is a talented musician. Take piano playing as an example. (举例来说,她是一个很有才华的音乐家。以弹钢琴为例)。


例如:Take... for example, John, for instance, is an expert in computer programming. (以约翰为例,他是一个计算机编程方面的专家)。


例如:Such as, languages like English, Spanish, and French are widely spoken around the world. (比如,像英语、西班牙语和法语这样的语言在世界各地都广泛使用).


例如:A classic example is, the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.(一个经典的例子是,互联网已经彻底改变了我们交流和获取信息的方式).


1. 表达

deliver a speech 发表演说; express/convey one’s feelings 表达情感;

present/voice one’s opinion 发表意见;convey one’s satisfaction 表示满意; voice one’s doubt 提出怀疑

2. 使用

employ a good method 运用好的方法;apply new technology 使用新技术;

make (good) use of time/money 很好地使用时间/金钱

3. 提高

raise efficiency 提高效率;improve one’s English 提高英语(水平);

raise the living standards of the people 提高人民生活水准;

enhance the consciousness to serve the people 提高为农村服务的自觉性;

heighten one’s consciousness of… 提高政治觉悟;

4. 培养

cultivate a taste of art 培养对艺术的兴趣;

foster one’s ability to study on one’s own 培养自学能力

develop one’s interest in… 培养某人在某方面的兴趣

5. 损害

impair one’s health 损害健康;harm the interests of the people 损害人民的利益;spoil one’s appetite 毁坏食欲;damage one’s image 毁坏形象;

6. 保护

protect the environment against pollution 保护环境, 防止污染;

safeguard the people’s interests 保护人民的利益;

preserve eyesight 保护视力;

7. 需要

require immediate action 需要立即采取行动;demands utmost care 需要特别细心;call for carefulness and patience 需要细心和耐心;

8. 强调

stress the importance of cooperation 强调合作的重要性;

put/lay stress on the importance of learning English 强调学习英语的重要性; emphasize the need for… 强调需要…;

place/put emphasis on politeness 注重礼节;highlight the importance of…强调…的重要性;

9. 希望

lay one’s hope in [on] ... 寄希望于 ...;

It is earnestly hoped that... (我们)诚挚地希望...;

Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命就有希望。

expect much of sb 对某人寄予很大希望

desire happiness and health 想得到幸福和健康;

desire to come to China 想到中国来

have a desire of doing sth. 想做某事

What she most desired was a good rest. 她最希望的是好好休息一下。

We are longing to see you. 我们极想见到你

long for peace and freedom 渴望和平自由

10. 导致

result in one’s failure 导致失败;contribute to cancer 致癌;

11. 确保

assure sb success 确保某人成功;

Nothing will assure permanent happiness to me.


Preparedness ensures success. 有准备, 成功就有保证。

I guarantee you’ll enjoy yourself. 我保证你会过得很快活。

12. 消除

remove poverty and injustice 消除贫穷和不公正

smooth away these difficulties 克服这些困难。

remove the misunderstanding 消除误会

13. 记住

bear sth in mind; bear in mind that… 牢记某事

commit sth to memory 把…记住

14. 有

have every advantage and no drawback 有百利而无一弊

There exist(s)… 存在有…

He possessed his soul in patience. 他耐心等待.

own a house 拥有一座房子

15. 认为

figure, suppose, believe, insist, conclude, hold, argue, be firmly/fully convinced that…

16. 忙于, 致力于

be busy with,be occupied with, be lost in, be buried in, be engaged in, be employed in,be devoted to, be absorded in…

I am as busy as a bee. 我很忙。

17. 保持稳定

remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,remain the same level

18. 与…相比

compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to

19. 解释;给出理由以说明

account for…/give reasons for…

20. 占

comprise, take up, account for, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose

21. 增长到

grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to

22. 降低至

fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to

23. 喜欢

like; love; prefer; enjoy; be fond of; be keen on

24. 热爱

devotion, have deep love for, adore



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