1. Draw指的是用铅笔、钢笔画轮廓,用彩色铅笔、水彩笔涂颜色,用粉笔在黑板上作画,在手机游戏中画画等,并非用颜料(paint)作画的方式。
e.g. Do you want to draw?
2. Paint指用颜料作画。
e.g. Do you want to paint?
I printed some pictures for you. Do you want to color them?
e.g. What tools do you want to use? Colored pencils, crayons, markers or paint?
1. 速写和素描:sketch
2. 简笔画叫做:easy drawing; simple drawing
3. 人物画:figure painting
4. 人物素描:charactersketch
5. 人体画:nude
6. 毛笔画:brushdrawing
7. 中国水墨画:Chineseink painting/drawing
8. 中国画:(traditional)Chinesepainting
9. 巨幅画像:hugeportrait
10. 水彩画:watercolour painting; watercolour
11. 水墨画:inkpainting; washdrawing
12. 半身画像:half-length figure/portrait
13. 石版画:lithograph
14. 自画像:self-portrait
15. 全身画像:full-length figure;whole-length portrait
16. 版画:print
17. 工笔画:fine brushwork
18. 木版画:wood-block print
19. 木刻画:woodcut;wood engraving
20. 肖像:portrait;portraiture;icon
21. 古典绘画:classical painting
22. 古画:ancient painting
23. 丝网版画:screen printing
24. 铅笔画:pencil drawing(/sketch/work)
25. 裸体人物画:nude
26. 写生画:sketching
27. 写意画:free sketch;freehand brushwork
28. 赝品:fake drawing
29. 拼贴画:collage
30. 代表作:representative works
31. 形象:image
32. 花卉:flower and plant
33. 花鸟:flower and bird
34. 信笔涂抹:doodle
35. 草草几笔:few swift strokes
36. 纸裱:paper mounting
37. 真迹:autograph
38. 裱装:mounting
39. 装框:framing
40. 静物:still life
41. 冷调:cool tonality
42. 局部:section
43. 立体:modelling
44. 暖调:warm tonality
45. 宣传画招贴:picture poster;poster
46. 城市风景画:cityscape
47. 风景画:landscape (painting)
48. 透视:perspective
49. 连环画:picture-story book;
50. 真品:genuine painting
51. 黑白素描:sketch in black and white
52. 速写:quick sketch
53. 国画:(traditional)Chinesepainting
54. 现代绘画:modern painting
55. 插画:illustrations
56. 画架上作的画:easelpainting
57. 装饰画:decorative painting
58. 漫画:caricature;cartoon
59. 静物写生:still life sketching
60. 静物画:still life;still
61. 壁画:wall painting;fresco
62. 画派:achools of painting
63. 国画派别:Schools of ChinesePainting
64. 人物写实:realistic portrait
65. 山水风景:landscape scenery
66. 山水画:landscape
67. 花卉画:flower-and—plant painting;flower piece
68. 花鸟画:flower&bird(/flower—and—bird) painting
69. 西画画法:western painting method
70. 主题题材:subject
71. 色彩单调:dull colours
72. 色彩鲜艳:gay colours
73. 图案:pattern
74. 画板:drawing board
75. 画架:drawing easel
76. 画框:picture frame
77. 色调:colour tone
78. 色调变化:colour value
79. 均衡:balance
80. 模特儿:model
81. 调色板:palette
82. 批评家:critic
83. 艺术批评:art criticism
84. 策展人,馆长:curator
85. 策展:curate
86. 鉴赏:appreciate, connoisseurship
87. 设计师:designer
88. 建筑师;architect
89. 主题:motif;theme
90. 印象派;impressionism
91. 自然主义画派:naturalism
92. 表现派:expressionism
93. 现代主义:modernism
94. 野兽派:fauvism
95. 超现实主义画派:surrealism
96. 写实派:realist school
97. 学院派:academicism
98. 点彩派:pointillism
99. 绘画方法:painting method
100. 国画画法:traditional Chinese painting technique