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时间:2024-07-16 21:10:54 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:中国人轻松学英语常用语法(6)第六章否定句子(Negative Sentences) 6§1 否定句的基本规则在任何语言,我们都有必要造出〝否定〞的句子,在中文,写出否定句子并非难事,在英文,...


第六章否定句子(Negative Sentences)

6§1 否定句的基本规则



I like music. I don’t like music.

He loves swimming. He does not love swimming.

They have come to work. They have not come to work.

Mary went to see a movie yesterday. Mary did not go to see a movie yesterday.

John is a good boy. John is not a good boy.

I will go to New York tomorrow. I will not go to New York tomorrow.

He can sing.He can not sing.

You may go now. You may not go now.

He should sleep early. He should not sleep early.

It is raining now. It is not raining now.

It rains very often here. It does not rain very often here.

He has a lot of money. He does not have a lot of money.

It is exciting to see this game.It is not exciting to see this game.

He asked me three questions.He did not ask me three questions.


1.Verb to be 后面可以直接加not。例如:

He is not a good teacher.

Mary was not very happy when she was young.

They are not strong boys.

Peter is not coming.

John is not going to work.


He has not written any letter.

They will not come.

He cannot swim.

They should not cry very often.

Tom had not eaten any thing before you came.

He may never eat cakes in the future.

John has not lived here.


He does not smoke.

He did not go.

I do not love sports.

You do not like to eat fish.

They do not swim very well.

We did not see that movie.

在英文中,我们可以用have to来代替must,以下是have to的例子:

He has to go to Chicago tomorrow.(他明天应该去芝加哥)

They had to buy three tickets to go to the concert.(他们必须买三张票去听音乐会)

I have to work very hard.(我必须努力工作)

含有have to的句子,如要改成否定句子,必须在have to前面加do或它的变形,请看以下的例子:


He has to eat a lot of food. He does not have to eat a lot of food.

He had to leave.He did not have to leave.

I have to write that letter.I do not have to write that letter.



1.I saw your brother last night.

2.I like apples.

3.She is a beautiful girl.

4.They can play violin very well.

5.Mr. Chang must answer the following questions.

6.He went to see his brother last night.

7.He could sing many songs.

8.He will buy this car.

9.It rained heavily last night.

10. I have lived here for three years.

11. He has to see his mother.

12. He had to stay here yesterday.

6§2 No, Never和Any的用法


1.I saw no students here.

2.There are no lakes in this country.

3.I have no money.

4.I had no choice.

5.He has no friends.


1.I did not see any student here.

2.We can not find any lake in this country.

3.I do not have any money.

4.I did not have any choice.

5.He does not have any friends.


I have never gone there.

He has never written any song.

They have never washed their clothes.



1.I havemoney.

2.A selfish person doeshave any friends.

3.man is entirely alone.

4.one is living here. We canget into this house.

5.a single person loves me.

6.one loves me.

7.The person whom I saw didcome.

8.I didgo to work yesterday.

9.I hadwork to do yesterday.

10. I canfind any one in this hall.

11. I havegone to America.

12. He haswritten to me.

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