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首页 英语 考前背一背:BEC高级写作句型模板


时间:2024-07-18 23:27:25 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:距离2024年上半年BEC高级考试越来越近了,同学们准备的如何?今天为大家带来的是BEC高级写作句型模板,希望对你有所帮助。PART ONE字数要求:120-140个单词格式要求:建议顶格写,段落...





写作套路:介绍主题 描述总体趋势(总体增长或下降、数据排名情况) 描述数据细节 结论


The three graphs provide an overview of …

This is a report concerning …

This report aims at …


The overall result of … shows significant differences between … and ….



Over a ten-year period from xxx to xxx

During a 12-week period, which was divided further into three sub-periods.

In the two subsequent periods

Within the whole period

Over the given period

In the following two years

All the way through


concerning …

in light of …

in terms of …

in view of …

depending on …


There be:There was a consecutive decrease in …

主谓宾:it plummeted to … in …; the figure shows a rise of …

主“系”表:… saw a significantly increase in …

被动语态:10 million units were sold while in the following year.


Contribute …% to …

Account … percent of …

占比均为 1/3:… are almost equally divided between a, b or c.

占比很少:... seem less keen on …, as only … percent are …


Be likely to …

Be predicted to …


The situation in … is different.

On the contrary, …

In contrast to …, …

…, however, …

…, on the other hand, …

Conversely, …







增长:increase/rise/go up/climb/grow up

下降:decrease/fall/go down/decline /node-dive/drop/slump



保持稳定:remain almost unchanged between … and … /remain relatively stable at…/did not vary much and just remained at …

表现差不多:show a similar trend as …/show the same performance

结尾:in general/consequently


soar to a record high of … in xxx.

reach a low at …

hit the lowest at …

from the chart we can see that there was a steady growth in …

xxx increased constantly during the period studied.

The figure shows a rise of … within the whole period and no fluctuations are to be marked. (持续增长无波动。)

… rose from … in xxx to … in xxx, suffering minor fluctuations all the way through. (增长有小波动。)

suffer a temporary fall between … and …, followed by a steady recovery. (先下降再上升。)

After peaking at around … in xxx, … fell slightly to their final value.

Starting off at … in xxx, … rose to … five years later, and exceeded … in xxx.

Remaining relatively satisfactory at … in xxx, it witnessed a sharp fall to … in xxx and maintained this position throughout xxx.

From … in xxx, it shot up quickly in xxx, peaking at …. However, it dropped back to … in xxx.

The percentage rose constantly in the following two years, peaking at … in xxx.

The percentage remained relatively stable at … except a slight fall to … in xxx.


Asked about …, 700 out of 1260 respondents responded positively, whereas 560 said something negative about it.

Looking at …, there are almost three times as many people responding negatively than positively.

… was equally evaluated. For this service, the survey counted … positive and … negative responses.

Only a fourth of the 1250 respondents complained about … while the remaining 950 people thought positively about …

To conclude, it shows that …

In conclusion, it is clear that …

It was concluded that …

From these figures we can see, …

Summarizing the results of this survey you can say that there is need for improvement in the fields of …

Part two



Under the background of globalization, …

With soaring prices, …

With the steep rise in prices, …

With the rapid development and the rising standard of living, people’s consumption idea has obviously changed.


On the whole

In spite of that

What is more

Generally speaking


The aim of this proposal is to…

The proposal aims to …

This proposal sets out to …

This proposal is concerned with …

I am submitting this proposal in order to …

Discuss how to cope with the problem of …

Discuss the limitation of the current … and how to better it.

Show why … and suggest ways of improving the current situation.

Analyze the current problems with … and then to put forward feasible measures that could be taken.

Evaluate the current … of our company and offer recommendations for improvements.

make suggestions to reverse the situation

present the benefits and the pitfalls

access the possible benefits we could exploit from it

Examine how we could do …. The proposal will also include a description of the current situation and the disadvantages of the improvements recommended.

Examine the reasons for … and make suggestions/offer proper recommendations for further improvement.

All the findings are based on the analysis of the survey we recently conducted among staff.


Recently, we have carried out a detailed investigation into …

Recently, we have conducted through interviews among the staff and found that …

A survey among the employees has shown that…

According to the recent research, …

A recent investigation has revealed that …

After we have done careful research, we find that …

It is found that …

The key findings are outlined as follows: …

Research shows that …

According to the results of the survey, …

After a thorough analysis of the sales data and market conditions, it is found that there are two main factors contributing to this situation. Firstly, …. Another often mentioned factor was …


However, there are still some aspects that need urgent improvements. Firstly, …


which has a very bad influence/impact on all-round development of the company

which not only defames our company’s reputation, but also despises ones’ own moral quality.

…, leading to a massive drain of customers

Plenty of money have been pumped in, but with slim results


… are some of the real reasons for this problem

… contribute to this problem to a large extent

Here are the reasons how the problem come about.

It is generally/commonly felt/agreed that …


Thus, I recommend we make the following changes to improve...:


Considering the current dissatisfaction and difficulty, I recommend several practices should be taken accordingly.

We strongly recommend the following activities: …

As regards the seriousness of this issue, I would suggest that some useful measures should be adopted.

In order to reverse the fall, I recommend the following steps be taken.

After closely assessing the situation, it is recommended to take the following steps in order to improve ....


I think we should do …

… would be a good idea to …

… need to be done …

I recommend we do …

We could do …

By this way we can accumulate experience and avoid serious fluctuation.


By these measures, we can undoubtedly establish … and they will have a positive impact on the performance of the company.

These measures would naturally lead to …

With the measures above, we are looking to make further progress in the coming year.


However, there is no denying the fact that some possible risks are involved. For instance, …

The possible risks, if these measures are adopted, are that ….

Although there are great potential profits and possible competitive edges in …, the risks involved cannot be ignored.

This measures will undoubtedly improve the impression of our company but it requires a sum of investment on …


The whole process need full cooperation of … department and … department, so a proper interdepartmental communication mechanism needs to be introduced.

To implement the above measures, the company has to invest more in …


It was found that…

It was discovered that…

It was felt that…

It was generally the case that…

It is not certain that …

Many members of staff suggested that…

A number of people mentioned that…

Several changes were put forward.

One of the strengths was that …

Research suggested that …

It was proposed that…

It was suggested that…

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