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时间:2024-07-16 21:06:31 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Sometimes we want to add emphasis to what we feel or do. Perhaps we don’t want to just tell someone “I love you”, but “I love you very much.” Maybe we don...

Sometimes we want to add emphasis to what we feel or do. Perhaps we don’t want to just tell someone “I love you”, but “I love you very much.” Maybe we don’t want to just describe “I work hard”, but “I work very hard.”有时我们想强调我们的的感觉或是所做的事。也许我们不想告诉别人“我爱你”,而是“我非常爱你”,也许我们不只想描述“我努力工作”,而是“我非常努力地工作”。

Very is a commonly used word in the English language that works as a superlative, a word that adds length, weight, boldness, and an emphasis to an adverb.“very”是英语中最常用的一个词,用作最高级,是一个增加副词长度、重量、粗体表示强调的词。

Sometimes though, if we use very too often (i.e. “I love this very much”; “I ran very fast”; “I worked very hard”), it can become redundant. If you use the same word over and over, it can lose its meaning; it can lose its value.但有时,如果我们使用very太频繁(例如,“我非常喜欢这个”;“我跑得很快”;“我很努力”),它可能会变得多余。如果你一次又一次地使用同一个词,它会失去它的意义;它会失去它的价值。

Sometimes, telling someone seriously, “I love you,” holds more weight than saying “I love you very much.” This can be avoided by selectively choosing when to use “very”, and only using it when you truly mean it. This overuse can also be avoided by adding variety to your language.有时,认真地告诉某人,“我爱你”,比说“我非常爱你”更重要。这可以通过有选择地选择何时使用“非常”来避免,只有当你真正认真地使用它时才使用它。这种过度使用也可以通过增加语言的多样性来避免。

There are many very synonyms to use in place of very that add diversity and color to the way we speak or write, and perhaps some synonyms are more fitting for what we mean to say than just “very”.有很多同义词可以用来代替very,这增加了我们说话或写作的方式的多样性和色彩,也许有些同义词比“very”更适合我们所说的意思。

Synonyms of Very:Very的同义词:


a very large number of something形容某物数量庞大

The corporation made it abundantly clear to their clients that they were going to make amends for the cyber hack.该公司向他们的客户明确表示,他们将为网络黑客行为作出补偿。

We had abundantly packed for the 3 week trip around Asia; leaving almost nothing behind.我们在亚洲旅行了3个星期,行程满满,几乎没有剩下没去过的地方。

My home growing up always felt abundantly filled with love.我成长的家总是充满爱。


a very sharp understanding or insight to something对某事物敏锐的理解或洞察

The artificially intelligent cyborg has an acutely sarcastic sense of humor.人工智能的电子人具有尖锐的讽刺幽默感。

The citizens are becoming acutely aware of corruption going on inside the country’s political institutions.公民们越来越敏锐地意识到该国政治机构内部正在产生腐败行为。

The acutely intelligent professor was made famous by his research.这位极为聪明的教授因他的研究而出名。


very far down非常遥远,深刻

I deeply regret not apologizing sooner to my father after years of silence.多年的沉默之后,我很后悔没有早点向父亲道歉。

He was deeply in love with the woman, willing to sacrifice anything for her.他深爱着那个女人,愿意为她牺牲一切。

She feels deeply peaceful when leaving her yoga classes, before returning to the chaotic city.在她离开瑜伽课回到混乱的城市之前,她感到非常平静。


to a very great measure or degree of something在很大程度上

The futbol team played extremely well for a mostly young league, competing in the playoffs.富特波尔队在一个年轻的联盟中表现非常好,他将在季后赛中竞争。

The students’ performance was extremely impressive at the national youth competition.学生们在全国青年竞赛中的表现令人印象深刻。

The salesman can be extremely persuasive when wanting to make a profit.当销售员想要赚钱时,他会变得非常有说服力。


very unique非常独特

The mathematician is an exceptionally gifted thinker.这位数学家是一位天赋异禀的思想家。

You look exceptionally beautiful this evening.你今晚看起来特别漂亮。

This is an exceptionally delicious meal.这是一顿特别好吃的饭。


very unique or special非常独特或者特别

This was an extraordinarily creative Olympics’ opening ceremony.这是一个非常有创意的奥运会开幕式。

You have to be an extraordinarily fast runner to participate in the Olympics’ track divisions.你必须是一个跑得非常快的运动员才能参加奥运会的田径比赛。

The company offered a pay-raise to their esteemed worker, for being an extraordinarily gifted software programmer.这家公司为他受人尊敬的员工提供加薪服务,因为他是一名非常有天赋的软件程序员。


a great amount or degree of something形容大量的

I was greatly appreciative to all the people who came out to support my family during my grandmother’s death.我非常感激在我祖母去世时出来支持我家人的所有人。

We had a greatly adventurous time during our college experience.我们在大学期间经历了一段非常冒险的时光。

The government had a greatly ambitious plan to help boost the economy.政府有一个雄心勃勃的计划来促进经济发展。


to a higher degree; something very favorable or well done在更高的程度上;非常有利或做得很好的东西

He is a highly esteemed worker, always giving his best.他是一个很受人尊敬的工人,遇事总是尽力而为。

The mother was highly grateful to her children for the birthday party organized by them.母亲非常感谢她的孩子们为他们举办的生日聚会。

I am highly close to my mother; we have a very trusting relationship.我和我母亲非常亲近,我们彼此非常信任。


to a great extent很大程度上

I want my students to be hugely motivated to come to my class each and every day.我希望我的学生每天都能积极地来上课。

This is a hugely ambitious venture for me to tackle a full running marathon, with only three months to train.对于我来说,这是一次雄心勃勃的冒险,我要完成一次全程马拉松,只需要三个月的训练。

We shared a hugely decadent meal amongst friends over our vacation.假期里我们和朋友们一起吃了一顿极为颓废的饭。


to a very great extent在很大程度上

She is an immensely gracious person, always a role model to those around her.她是一个非常和蔼可亲的人,她总是周围人的榜样。

I am immensely excited for our trip through South Asia.我为我们的南亚之行感到非常兴奋。

My husband came home immensely tired from work yesterday; I think we need a vacation soon.我丈夫昨天下班回家很累,我想我们很快就要休假了。


to an extreme degree在极端地程度上

He loved her intensely, but she did not feel the same way about him.他深爱着她,但她对他的感觉不同。

The Texas heat can be intensely hot, and sometimes even dangerous during the summer months.德克萨斯州的高温可能非常热,有时甚至在夏季很危险。

I’ve become intensely paranoid about my security since the robbery in our neighborhood last week.自从上星期我们附近发生抢劫案以来,我对我的安全状况变得极度敏感。



Sometimes, I just really need a big, juicy burger for dinner.有时候,晚餐我真的只需要一个大的多汁汉堡。

Do you really want to know my secret recipe for my banana cream pie?你真的想知道我的香蕉奶油派的秘方吗?

I am really sure this is the man for me, and I want to marry him.我真的很确定这就是我的男人,我想嫁给他。


very worthy of attention非常值得关注

It’s a remarkably beautiful day today.今天天气真好。

The iPhone remarkably changed the way we use cell phones today.iPhone显著改变了我们今天使用手机的方式。

I’m not vegan, but this meatless meal was remarkably good.我不是素食主义者,但这顿没肉的饭非常好吃。


a very great extent很大地程度上

I’ve gotten tremendously far in learning English, since I began learning a few months ago.自从几个月前我开始学习英语以来,我在学习英语方面进步已经非常大了。

My mother has always been a tremendously hard worker.我母亲一直是一个非常努力的工人。

We took a tremendously long road trip across Alaska one summer.一个夏天,我们在阿拉斯加进行了一次非常漫长的公路旅行。


to the fullest degree or something到了最充分的程度

I truly am happy here in my new apartment.在我的新公寓里,我真的很高兴。

We are truly grateful for the wedding gifts we received from friends and family.我们非常感谢朋友和家人送我们的结婚礼物。

The accused man pleaded that he was truly innocent before the jury.被告在陪审团面前辩称自己是清白的。

So much:非常:

to a higher degree表达更高的程度

I love you so much.我如此爱你。

Thank you so much for coming all this way to see me.非常感谢你穿越千山万水来看我。

We are so much closer after having worked together for the past three years.我们在一起工作了三年,现在比以前更亲密了。


very well; excellently; to the highest ranking非常好;非常出色;达到最高等级

This is a supremely well-crafted leather chair, hand-made and imported from Italy.这是一把精心制作的皮革椅子,手工制作,从意大利进口。

The university has a supremely renowned faculty of professors.这所大学的学院里拥有非常著名的教授。

For being a used and restored laptop, it’s working supremely well and efficiently.作为一台使用和修复过的笔记本电脑,它工作得非常好且高效。

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