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外研版 | 九年级英语期末测试题,考前测一测!

时间:2024-07-16 22:32:48 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:最新初中英语作文>> 初一范文 初二范文 初三范文 万能模板 初中词汇表 初中英语语法 阅读100篇 英语听力情景期末考试越来越近了,应大家要求,今天分享外研版九年级英语期末测...

最新初中英语作文>> 初一范文 初二范文 初三范文 万能模板 初中词汇表 初中英语语法 阅读100篇 英语听力情景




31. —Is that all?

—Yes. That’s all ______ I want to take.

A. which B. that C. whoD. whose

32. Today there are two new students in our class. I don’t know ______ of them.

A. either B. nor C. neitherD. both

33. The People’s Republic of China was ______ on October 1st, 1949.

A. find B. found C. founded D. founding

34. It seemsmost of the students would like to go to college after high school.

A. what B. if C. whetherD. that

35. —Please say something about Zheng He.

—Oh! He is the Ming Dynasty explorer of ______ all the Chinese are proud.

A. who B. whom C. whoseD. that

36.Look! Your money is on the floor. ______.

A.Pick it up B.Pick up it

C.Pick them up D.Pick up them

37.I have created friendships ______ my pen friend.

A.with B.to C.forD.about

38.You must ______ at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.

A.check with B.check to

C.check on D.check in

39.Not only the students but also the teacher ______ hard.

A.work B.works

C.are working D.have worked

40.The restaurant is so popular here.Look,there are so many ______ here.

A.food B.dish C.people D.waiter

41. —What wonderful music!

—Thanks. Neither my classmates nor my mother ______ the piano better than me.

A.is playing B. plays

C. play D. are playing

42. —Wow. It is rather hot today.

—Yes. ______ yesterday.

A. So it is B. So is it

C. So was it D. So it was

43. He’s working hard he can pass the exam.

A. because B. so that

C. butD. because of

44. —What’s wrong with you?

—I can’t decide ______ next.

A. how to do B. what to do

C. what to do it D. how can I do

45. If you have a chance to study abroad, you must catch it and remember “Change always ______ about new possibilities.”

A. brings B. takes

C. fetches D. reaches

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