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时间:2024-07-16 21:06:10 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Knowing how to order food in a restaurant is an important first task for any beginning level English learner. Here are two short dialogues to help you learn com...

Knowing how to order food in a restaurant is an important first task for any beginning level English learner. Here are two short dialogues to help you learn common questions and answers used at a restaurant.了解如何在餐厅点餐是任何初级英语学习者的首要任务。下面是两个简短的对话,它们将帮助您了解在餐厅使用的高频问题和回答。

Dining At a Restaurant Alone一个人在餐馆吃饭

This dialogue provides most the basic questions you’ll need to know when going to a restaurant alone:这个对话提供了你独自去餐馆时需要了解的最基本的问题:

Waitperson: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?服务员:你好。今天下午过得怎么样?

Customer: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please.顾客:很好,谢谢。我能看看菜单吗?

Waitperson:: Certainly, here you are.服务员:当然可以,给你。

Customer: Thank you. What’s today’s special?顾客:谢谢。今天的特色菜是什么?

Waitperson:: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.服务员:烤金枪鱼和奶酪黑麦。

Customer: That sounds good. I’ll have that.顾客:听起来不错。我要一份。

Waitperson:: Would you like something to drink?服务员:你想喝点什么吗?

Customer: Yes, I’d like a coke.顾客:是的,我想要杯可乐。

Waitperson:: Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!服务员:谢谢。(带着食物回来)给你。祝您用餐愉快!

Customer: Thank you.顾客:谢谢。

Waitperson:: Can I get you anything else?服务员:您还有别的需要的东西吗?

Customer: No thanks. I’d like the check, please.顾客:不,谢谢。请给我账单。

Waitperson:: That’ll be $14.95.服务员:一共是14.95美元。

Customer: Here you are. Keep the change!顾客:给你。把零钱收下!

Waitperson: Thank you! Have a good day!服务员:谢谢!祝您今天过得愉快!

Customer: Goodbye.顾客:再见。

At a Restaurant with Friends和朋友一起去餐馆

Next, practice eating with friends at a restaurant with these questions to help choose what to eat:接下来,练习与朋友一起在餐厅吃东西,并回答以下问题,来帮助选择看看吃的东西:

Kevin: The spaghetti looks really good.凯文:意大利面看起来真不错。

Alice: It is! I had it the last time I was here.爱丽丝:是的!我上次来的时候就吃了。

Peter: How is the pizza, Alice?彼得:比萨饼怎么样,爱丽丝?

Alice: It’s good, but I think the pasta is better. What would you recommend?爱丽丝:很好,但我觉得意大利面更好。你这里有没有推荐菜?

Waitperson: I’d recommend the lasagna. It’s excellent!服务员:我推荐意大利宽面条。太棒了!

Alice: That sounds great. I’ll have that.爱丽丝:听起来不错。我会的。

Waitperson: Fine. Would you like an appetizer?服务员:好的。你要开胃菜吗?

Alice: No, lasagna is more than enough for me!爱丽丝:不,千层面对我来说已经足够了!

Kevin: I think I’ll have the lasagna as well.凯文:我想我也要烤宽面条。

Waitperson:: Right. That’s two lasagnas. Would you care for an appetizer?服务员::对。那就是要两个千层面。你要开胃菜吗?

Kevin: Yes, I’ll take the calamari.凯文:是的,我要卡拉马里。

Peter: Oh, that sounds good! I can’t decide between the chicken marsala and grilled fish.彼得:哦,听起来不错!我不知道是要鸡肉沙拉还是烤鱼。

Waitperson:: The fish is fresh, so I’d recommend that.服务员:我推荐烤鱼,因为这鱼是新鲜的。

Peter: Great. I’ll have the fish. I’d also like a salad.彼得:太好了。我要鱼。我还要一份沙拉。

Waitperson: What would you like to drink?服务员:您想喝什么?

Kevin: I’ll have water.凯文:我要水。

Alice: I’d like a beer.爱丽丝:我想要杯啤酒。

Peter: I’ll take a glass of red wine.彼得:我要一杯红酒。

Waitperson: Thank you. I’ll get the drinks and the appetizers.服务员:谢谢。我去拿饮料和开胃菜。

Kevin: Thank you.凯文:谢谢。

Key Vocabulary and Phrases重点词汇短语

Here are some key phrases used to discuss food in a restaurant when ordering and deciding on what to eat:以下是一些用于在餐厅点菜和决定吃什么时讨论食物的关键短语:

Could I have a menu, please?请给我一份菜单好吗?

Here you are.给你。

Enjoy your meal!祝您用餐愉快!

Would you like ...你想要...吗?

Can I get you anything else?我能给你拿点别的吗?

I’d like the check, please.请给我账单。

That’ll be ...那是…

Have a good day!祝您今天过得愉快!

The spaghetti / steak / chicken looks good.意大利面/牛排/鸡肉看起来不错。

How is the pizza / fish / beer?比萨饼/鱼/啤酒怎么样?

What would you recommend?你有没有推荐的菜?

I’d like my steak rare / medium / well done.[/en]我的牛排要嫩一点/中一点/老一点。

[en]Are there any nuts / peanuts? My child has allergies.


Do you have any vegetarian dishes?有素菜吗?

Could I have a glass of water, please?请给我一杯水好吗?

Could you tell me where the restroom is?你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?

I’d recommend the lasagna / steak / pizza.我推荐烤宽面条/牛排/披萨。

Would you care for an appetizer / a beer / a cocktail?您要开胃菜/啤酒/鸡尾酒吗?

I’d like to have a beer / steak / a glass of wine.我想要啤酒/牛排/一杯葡萄酒。

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