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首页 英语 初中英语语法专练:宾语从句练习题及答案


时间:2024-07-16 22:28:45 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:1( ) 1 The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.A. took B. take C. takes D. will take( ) 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.A. has nev...


( ) 1 The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.

A. took B. take C. takes D. will take

( ) 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.

A. has never gone B. had never gone

C. has never been D. had never been

( ) 3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today.

A. had B. has . C. will have D. are

( ) 4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some.

A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may

( ) 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth.

A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled


( ) 1 Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty?

A. who B. what C. when D. that

( ) 2 I don’t know ___ they have passed the exam.

A. what B. if C. when D. where

( ) 3 I hardly understand.___ he has told me.

A. that B. what C. which D. who

( ) 4 She didn’t know___ back soon.

A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be

( ) 5 I don’t know _____ he still lives here after so many years.

A. whether B where C. what D. when

( ) 6 Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening?

A. what B when C why D how

( ) 7 He asked me _____told me the accident.

A whom B which C who D whose


( ) 1.They don’t know ______their parents are.

A that B what C why D which

( ) 2.Please tell me ______what last year.

A. where does your sister work B where did your sister work

C where your sister works D where your sister worked

( ) 3.She asked me if I knew ______.

A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was

C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it

( ) 4. You must remember ________.

A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say

C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said

( ) 5 Did you know ____?

A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for

C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after

( ) 6 Could you tell me ___?

A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing

C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing


1. 1-5 A D C B C

2. 1-7 C B B A A A C

3. 1-6 B D B A A C

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