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首页 英语 8个和肢体有关的俚语,old hand是老了的手的意思吗?

8个和肢体有关的俚语,old hand是老了的手的意思吗?

时间:2024-07-16 21:05:47 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:These are those body idioms you should really know in English. Don’t try to visualize them. It will be a scary movie! Anyway, you will find the examples and ex...

These are those body idioms you should really know in English. Don’t try to visualize them. It will be a scary movie! Anyway, you will find the examples and explanations under the infographic. Enjoy!这些是你在英语中应该知道的身体习语。不要试图想象它们。这将是一部恐怖电影!无论如何,您将在信息图下找到示例和解释。好好吸收吧!

body idioms关于身体的习语

1. All ears1.洗耳恭听

awaiting an explanation, listening eagerly and carefully等待,解释,热切而仔细地倾听

Tell me how you managed to pass the exam, I’m all ears.告诉我你是如何通过考试的,我洗耳倾听。

She was all ears to find out where her husband had been the night before.她全神贯注地想知道前天晚上她丈夫在哪里。

2. Cold shoulder2.冷淡

(give sb the cold shoulder, get the cold shoulder) – paying no attention to something, a deliberate act of disrespect, an attitude of rejection(冷落某人,冷落某人)-不注意某件事,故意不尊重他人的行为,拒绝他人的态度。

I hoped she would come to the cinema with me, but I just got the cold shoulder.我希望她能和我一起去看电影,但我冷淡地拒绝了。

The manager has given the cold shoulder to our proposal to buy a new company car.经理对我们购买一辆新公司汽车的建议表示冷淡。

3. Itchy feet3.渴望旅行

a strong impulse to travel, restlessness, desire to leave强烈的旅行冲动,不安,想离开

Seeing a boat always gives me itchy feet.看到船总是让我想旅行。

No wonder she’s got itchy feet. She’s been working in the same office with the same people for more than twelve years.难怪她想旅行漫游。她和同一个人在同一个办公室工作了12年多。

4. Long arm of the law4.严格的法律

the far-reaching power of the authorities; the police, the law当局的深远权力;警察,法律

Stop this dirty business, the long arm of the law will reach you some day.停止这肮脏的交易,法律的长臂总有一天会到达你的。

He tried to live on shoplifting, but long arm of the law caught him in a week.他试图靠在商店行窃为生,但法律的严厉制裁使他在一周内被捕。

5. Old hand5.老手

a person with a lot of experience in something有丰富经验的人

Our boss is an old hand in the car business, you can’t cheat him with this broken engine.我们老板是汽车行业的老手,你不能用这台坏发动机欺骗他。

The new chef was an old hand at making Italian dishes.新来的厨师是做意大利菜的老手。

6. Sweet tooth6.甜食控

a great liking for sweet-tasting food, a weakness for sweets; someone with a liking for sweets非常喜欢吃甜食,对甜食有好感;对甜食有好感的人

She has a sweet tooth, but as she’s rather fat, she must resist eating chocolate too often.她爱吃甜食,但由于她很胖,她必须抵制吃巧克力太多。

I’m a sweet tooth, I couldn’t help eating all the remains of my birthday cake after the party.我是个甜食控,派对结束后,我忍不住把生日蛋糕的剩余部分都吃光了。

7. Elbow room7.足够的空间

enough space to move or work in; freedom to do what you like足够的活动或工作的空间;做你喜欢的事的自由

There’s so little elbow room in our office that you must stand up from your desk if somebody wants to go out.我们办公室的肘部空间太小了,如果有人想出去,你必须从办公桌上站起来。

The agents were given as much elbow room as they needed to increase the sales.代理商得到了他们所需的足够多的空间来增加销售量。

8. Eye-catching

tending to attract attention, visually attractive, striking容易引起注意的,视觉上有吸引力的,引人注目的

There were lots of eye-catching posters at the entrance of the cinema.电影院入口处有许多引人注目的海报。

Her dress was so eye-catching that we couldn’t do anything but stare at her for minutes.她的衣服很抢眼,我们只能盯着她看几分钟。

I’m looking forward to hearing from you! Let me know if this lesson was useful!我期待你的消息!如果这节课有用,请告诉我!

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