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关于衣服类的趣味俚语put a sock in it到底什么意思

时间:2024-07-16 21:05:32 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Idioms are phrases or common expressions which usually have figurative but sometimes also literal meaning. Check out our list of common idioms related to clothe...

Idioms are phrases or common expressions which usually have figurative but sometimes also literal meaning. Check out our list of common idioms related to clothes and clothing.习语是指通常具有比喻意义,但有时也具有字面意义的短语或常用短语。看看我们关于服装的常用成语列表。

Air one’s dirty laundry in public家丑外扬

Meaning: to talk about your personal problems and quarrels or argue in front of others含义:在别人面前谈论你的个人问题,争吵或争论。

Example: Stop fighting you two, no one wants to hear you airing your dirty laundry in public.例句:你们两个别打架了,没有人想听你们在这里吵闹家务事。

All talk and no trousers只谈空话,不做实事

Meaning: someone who talks about doing big things but doesn’t do anything含义:只是说大话但从来不做事的人

Example: I told you Eric is all talk and no trousers. He was bragging that he’ll ask Jenny put and he didn’t even say ‘hi’ to her.例句:我告诉过你埃里克只谈空话,不做实事。他吹嘘说他会约珍妮出来,但他甚至没有跟她打招呼。

At the drop of a hat毫不迟疑地

Meaning: to do something immediately含义:立刻做某事

Example: Ann was always ready to help at the drop of a hat.例句:安做好事总是毫不犹豫。

Below the belt不正当,不恰当地

Meaning: beyond what is socially acceptable behavior含义:超越社会交际可接受的行为

Example: Asking her about her mother’s sickness was below the belt.例句:询问她母亲的病情是不合适的。

Bursting at the seems过于拥挤

Meaning: to be very full during a meal, for a place to be overcrowded, or in relation to clothes that don’t fit含义:在吃饭的时候吃得很饱;地方过于拥挤;或者指不合身的衣服

Example: Wow, this club is so packed it’s bursting at the seams.例句:哇,这家俱乐部太挤了,堵得水泄不通。

Caught with one’s pants down做坏事被逮个正着

Meaning: to be exposed in an embarrassing situation or when you’re not prepared含义:在尴尬的情况下或你没有准备好的时候被发现曝光

Example: I was expecting the meeting to be next week and I was caught with my pants down when the boss asked me about my project.例句:我本来期待着会议在下周进行,但当老板问我关于项目的问题时,我被当场问住了。

Cut from the same cloth极为相似,如出一辙

Meaning: said about people who are similar含义:是极为相似的人

Example: When I talked to her for the first time I knew we were cut from the same cloth.例句:当我和她第一次谈话时,我就知道我们极为相似。

Dressed to the nines打扮得光鲜亮丽

Meaning: to wear your best clothes/outfit含义:穿上你最好的衣服

Example: I’m dressed to the nines whenever I go on a date, it makes me feel more confident.例句:我每次约会都打扮得光鲜亮丽,这让我觉得更有自信。

Fit like a glove非常合适

Meaning: about something that is the right size含义:关于合适尺寸的事物

Example: I though the wedding dress I chose would need some adjustments, but it fits me like a glove.我以为我选择的婚纱需要一些调整,但它很适合我。

Hand in glove with someone形影不离

Meaning: to have an extremely close relationship with someone含义:与某人有着非常密切的关系

Example: John is my closest coworker we do everything hand in glove.例句:约翰是我最亲密的同事,我们做什么事都形影不离。

Have a card up one’s sleeve心中有数,胸有成竹

Meaning: to have a planned strategy to use when the right time comes含义:有计划地在适当的时候使用策略

Example: During negotiation I like to have a card up my sleeve.例句:在谈判过程中,我觉得胸有成竹。

Have ants in one’s pants坐立不安

Meaning: to be nervous or excited about something含义:对某事感到紧张或焦虑

Example: Kylie’s got ants in her pants, she can’t wait for the trip.例句:凯丽坐立不安,她对于这次旅行已经迫不及待了。

Have deep pockets资金雄厚

Meaning: to be wealthy含义:有钱的

Example: The mayor has deep pockets, he can afford a car like that.市长有钱,他买得起这样的车。

Off the cuff即兴地

Meaning: without any preparation含义:毫无准备

Example: You shouldn’t make public remarks off the cuff.例句:你不应该即兴发表公开言论。

Pull up one’s socks振作起来,鼓起精神

Meaning: to try harder at something含义:在某事上更加努力

Example: You have been slacking off, it’s time to pull your socks up and pass all the exams.例句:你一直在偷懒,是时候鼓起精神,通过所有的考试了。

Put a sock in it停止讲话

Meaning: to stop talking含义:停止讲话

Example: Put a sock in it, we can’t hear what they’re saying in the movie.例句:别说话了,我听不见他们在电影里说的什么了。

Put one’s thinking cap on开动脑筋

Meaning: to think hard about something含义:努力思考某事

Example: I don’t have an idea for a gift for Janice, I need to put my thinking cap on and come up with something good.例句:我不知道给珍妮丝买什么礼物,我需要开动脑筋好好想想并想出点儿东西来。

Roll up one’s sleeve卷起袖子,准备行动

Meaning: prepare to work hard含义:准备努力工作

Example: This semester is going to be hard, we need to roll up our sleeves and get through it.例句:这个学期很难,我们需要努力度过难关。

Wear the trousers掌权,当家之人

Meaning: to be in charge含义:负责

Example: Gina wears the trousers in their relationship.例句:吉娜是他们家的一家之主。

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