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首页 英语 实用英语语法:虚拟语气专题训练


时间:2024-07-16 22:20:23 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:11. But for the party, he ________ of hunger fifteen years ago.A. would have died B. would dieC. must have died D. must die12. I would have come earlier, but I...

11. But for the party, he ________ of hunger fifteen years ago.

A. would have died B. would die

C. must have died D. must die

12. I would have come earlier, but I ________ that you were waiting for me.

A. didn’t know B. hadn’t know

C. would have known D. haven’t known

13. The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students ________ two weeks to prepare for the exam.

A. give B. should give

C. be given D. would be given

14. Wang Ling, one of my friends, is very good at English. He speaks English as if he ________ an Englishman.

A. were B. would be

C. have been D. had been

15. We ________ our lives had it not been for the policeman.

A. would have lost B. should lose

C. might lose D. had lost

16. ________ more careful, his ship would not have sunk.

A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been

C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been

17. Were it not for the snowy weather, we ________ all right.

A. would be B. would have been

C. were D. may be

18. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ________ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.

A. wouldn’t have fallen B. had not fallen

C. should fall D. were to fall

19. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ________ a goal.

A. had scored B. scored

C. would score D. would have scored

20. How I wish every family ________ a large house with a beautiful garden!

A. has B. had

C. will have D. had had

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