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首页 英语 动词不定式语法专项练习题


时间:2024-07-16 22:15:13 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:动词不定式语法专项练习题1. —Have you enjoyed your visit here?—Yes, I’ll be very sorry _____.A. for leaving B. of leaving C. to leave D. with leaving2. —I’l...


1. —Have you enjoyed your visit here?

—Yes, I’ll be very sorry _____.

A. for leaving B. of leaving C. to leave D. with leaving

2. —I’ll help you whenever you need me.

—Good. I’d like _____ me tomorrow.

A. you helping B. that you will help C. you to help D. that you help

3. —Where did he go?

—He went to another store _____.

A. to buy pencils B. for buying pencils C. buy pencils D. buying pencils

4. —My baby has a heart trouble.

—Did the doctor find it difficult _____?

A. in treating B. treating C. for treating D. to treat

5. —Did the judge ask you many questions?

—Yes, and _____.

A. they were difficult to be answered B. to answer them was to be difficult

C.they were difficult to answer D.they had difficulty in answering

6. The lost child desired nothing but _____ home.

A. go B. to go C. going D. went

7. Last summer I took a course on _____.

A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made

8. I know him _____ a good basketball player while in college.

A. to have been B. to be C. was D. had been

9. I was surprised _____.

A. watching him to eat so quickly B. watch him eat so quickly

C. watching him eat so quickly D. to watch him eat so quickly

10. Now we could not do anything but _____ for him here.

A. waited B. waiting C. to wait D. wait

11. I don’t know her and I don’t _____.

A. want B. want to C. want it D. want so

12. To play fair is as important as _____.

A. to play well B. play well C. we play well D. playing well

13. It’s most foolish _____ so.

A. for you to say B. of you to say C. with you saying D. in your saying

14. I have no pen _____.

A. writing B. to write C. to write with D. to be writing

15. Those letters are _____ to the countryside right away.

A. to be sent B. sending C. to have been sent D. sent

16. _____ our wishes, we must try our best to work well.

A. Realizing B. To realize C. Realized D. Having realized

17. Would you please _____ on the table?

A. don’t write B. not to write C. not write D. not writing

18. Tom pretended _____ something when his mother came in.

A. writing B. to write C. to be writing D. being written

19. We are all afraid _____ by robbers.

A. to rob B. to be robbed C. of robbing D. of being robbed

20. I’m sorry _____ off the light when I left the room.

A. to forget to turn B. to have forgotten to turn

C. to have forgotten turning D. to be forgetting turning

21. The child had no choice but _____.

A. to cry B. cry C. crying D. cried

22. Don’t take the medicine. It can’t help _____ rid of your cold.

A. getting B. to get C. to getting D. gets

23. —Do you get someone _____ your clothes?

—Yes, I often have them _____.

A. wash/washed B. to wash/washed C. washing/wash D. washed/washing

24. They did not observe her _____ in and go upstairs.

A. to come B. coming C. come D. has come

25. You will make great progress in the days _____.

A. coming B. that to come C. when to come D. to come

26. With all her friends and money gone, she really didn’t know _____.

A. how to do B. what to do C. which to do D. when to do

27. —Does anybody want an extra ticket to go to the play?

—Whom would you rather have _____ with you, George or me?

A. to go B. go C. gone D. going

28. —Can you ride a horse?

—No, I never had the chance _____.

A. for learning it B. for learning how C. how to learn it D. to learn how

29. —I didn’t hear you _____ in last night.

—That’s good. We tried _____ noisy.

A. come/not being B. coming/to not be C. coming/not being D. come/not to be

30. We advised her _____ there at once.

A. should get B. gets C. to get D. to getting

31. We agreed _____ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A. having met B. meeting C. to have met D. to meet

32. He would sit alone and listen to Mary _____ the piano.

A. to play B. playing C. played D. play

33. He is _____ honest a man _____ a lie.

A. so/to tell B. too/to tell C. very/to tell D. such/that tell

34. I ran too fast _____ where I was going.

A. to notice B. for me to notice C. to notice for me D. and notice

35. That beggar seems _____ anything yesterday.

A. not to have eaten B. not to eat C. didn’t eat D. to not have eaten

36. To learn to speak English well, _____.

A. much practice is needed B. one needs much practice

C. much practice is needed by one D. one is needed much practice

37. We didn’t expect our offer _____ so quickly.

A. rejected B. to rejected C. to be rejected D. rejecting

38. My mother will be sorry _____ that news.

A. hearing B. to be heard C. when hear D. to hear

39. I’d rather lose the game _____.

A. not to hurt him B. not hurt him C. than to hurt him D. than hurt him

40. It is Master Wu who taught us _____ the machine.

A. how to do with B. ran C. how to run D. how could run

41. Would you be _____ to show me the way to the City Hall?

A. good enough B. good enough as C. so good D. as good as

42. I went to see him _____ him out.

A. finding B. find C. only to find D. to find

43. She seemed _____ at the news.

A. surprising B. surprise C. surprised D. to surprise

44. The man will do everything he can _____ a camera for his wife.

A. to get B. got C. buy D. bought

45. We have been looking for the boy all the morning, but he is nowhere _____.

A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. to be seen

46. You look light-hearted. Nothing seems _____ to you.

A. to happen B. to have been happenedC. to have happened D. to be happened

47. The matter had better _____ as it is.

A. leave B. being left C. leaving D. be left

48. I wanted to have him _____ the job, but she had it _____ instead.

A. do/done B. does/doing C. to do/doing D. to do/done

49. What he said made us deeply _____.

A. move B. moved C. to move D. moving

50. He likes parties. He is always the first _____ and the last _____.

A. coming/leaving B. to come/leave C. come/leave D. to come/to leave

1. The teacher told them ________ make so much noise.

A. don’t B. not C. will not D. not to

2. Our master often told us _______ things for granted.

A. not to have B. not to take

C. didn’t take D. not to make

3. Tell him _______ the window.

A. to shut not B. not to shut

C. to not shut D. not shut

4. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______.

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to

5. Mrs Smith warned her daughter ________ after drinking.

A. never to driveB. to never drive

C. never driving D. never drive

6. The patient was warned _______ oily food after the operation.

A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating

7. The workers want us ________ together with them.

A. work B. working C. to work D. worked

8. They would not allow him ________ across the enemy line.

A. to risk going B. risking to go

C. for risk to go D. risk going

9. I saw him _______ out of the room.

A. go B. had gone C. has gone D. goes

10. They knew her very well. They had seen her _______ up from childhood.

A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow

11. I’ve heard him _______ about you often.

A. spoke B. speaks C. speak

12. Though he had often made his little sister _______, today he was made ______by his little sister.

A. cry;to cry B. crying;crying

C. cry;cryD. to cry;cry

13. He was made _________.

A. go B. gone C. going D. to go

14. John was made _______ the truck for a week as a punishment.

A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing

15. Paul doesn’t have to be made _______. He always works hard.

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

16. There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind _______ to buy.

A. what B. which C. how D. where

17. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _________.

A. where to choose B. which to choose

C. to choose what D. to choose which

18. “ Have you decided when ________?”

“ Yes, tomorrow morning.”

A. to leave B. to be leaving

C. will you leave D. are you leaving

19. Last summer I took a course on ________.

A. how to make dressesB. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made

20. He doesn’t know ______ to stay or not.

A. whether B. if C. either D. if he will

21. She pretended _______ me when I passed by.

A. not to see B. not seeing

C. to not see D. having not seen

22. --- The light in the office is still on.

--- Oh, I forgot _______.

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off

23. We agreed _________ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met

24. Little Jim should love _______ to the theatre this evening.

A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking

25. I would love ______ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

26. Frank is the kind of person who people like to ________.

A. make friend with B. make friends of

C. make friends D. make friends with

27. Go on ________ the other exercise after you have finished this one.

A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing

28. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _______ on a big rock by the side of the path.

A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest

29. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job.

A. so not as to B. so as not to

C. so as to not D. not so as to

30. I need a day or two ________.

A. to think it over B. to think over C. of thinking

31. He was too excited _________.

A. speak B. to speak C. not to speak D. speaking

32. Charles Babbage is generally considered ________ the first computer.

A. to invent B. inventing

C. to have invented D. having invented33. He said he would rather not _______ it right now.

A. doing B. to do C. do D. to be doing

34. Rather than _______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _______ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride B. riding; ride

C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding

35. It’s freezing outside. You _______ put on your overcoat.

A. had better to B. had better

C. would betterD. would better to

36. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to _______.

A. sit B. sit on C. be sit D. be sat on

37. I’m hungry. Get me something _________.

A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating

38. --- I usually go there by train.

--- Why not _______ by boat for a change?

A. to try going B. trying to go

C. to try and go D. try going

39. She did nothing _______ at the photo.

A. except lookB. but to look

C. except to look D. but looking

40. I asked him to _______ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.

A. spend B. spare C. save D. share

41. They won’t let their teacher _______ in that way.

A. to be treated B. being treated

C. treated D. be treated

42. John, you must get your room ________ after breakfast.

A. to be cleaned B. to clean

C. cleaningD. cleaned

43. The problem _______ at tomorrow’s meeting is a very difficult one.

A. being discussed B. discussed

C. to be discussed D. to discuss

44. He reached the station _____ only _____ that the train had just left.

A. tired; learnedB. tiring; learningC. to tire; to learn D. tired; to learn

45. --- Did that book give the information you needed?

--- Yes, but ______, we had to read it almost entirely.

A. for finding it B. to find it

C. finding it D. by finding it

46. I’m sorry I forgot ______your dictionary. Let’s borrow one from Li Ming.

A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing

47. She couldn’t decide which restaurant _______.

A. to have lunch B. to eat

C. to eat at D. eating at

48. This problem is said _____ three times.

A. to have been talked B. to have discussed

C. having been discussed D. to have been talked about

49. Everybody believed the man ______ away the diamond ring.

A. be taken B. taking C. to take D. to have taken

50. I prefer ____ rather than ______.

A. read; watch B. to read; watch

C. reading; to watch D. to read; to watch


1—5 CCADC 6—10 BAADD 11—15 BABCA 16—20 BCCDB

21—25 ABBCD 26—30 BBDDC 31—35 DBBAA 36—40 BCDDC

41—45 ACCAD 46—50 CDABD


1-5 DBBAA6-10 CCAAA 11-15 CADAB 16-20 BBAAA

21-25 ACCAB 26-30 DACBA 31-35 BCCCB 36-40 BBDAB

41-45 DDCDB 46-50 CCDDB


1.tell sb. not to do sth告诉某人不做某事

2.take sth for granted “把某事想当然”, 是一个固定词组。Eg. You shouldn’t take it for granted that everyone should help you.你不要认为每个人都理应帮助你。

4. 不定式的省略要保留到to,否则就完整地表达, 如:…but his mother told him not to do so.

5. warn sb not to do sth. 此处用never替代not.

8. allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事;risk doing sth冒险做某事

9. see sb do sth看见某人做某事

12. make sb do 让某人做某事,但用于被动结构后,则要用不定式符号to连接。

16.which 用于有范围中的“哪一个”, 此处作buy的宾语。

18.when +to do 做decide的宾语,若用when引导宾语从句,用陈述句语序。

21. pretend to do 假装做某事。

22.forget to do sth忘记(要)做某事。

24.should love to be taken to …愿意被带去……

25.因为状语是last night,用不定式的完成式表示本想……

27. go on to do sth. 继续做(与原来不相同的)事。此句可以从the other exercise断定。

28.stop to do sth. 停下来(去)做……


33. would rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事。

34. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做……不愿做……

37.to eat 此处作something 的定语。for+doing多表用途。

38. why not do sth…“为什么不……” ;try doing sth试一试

39.Do nothing but do sth, 此处用except替代but

40. spare sb. sth匀出、腾出……, 宾语为sb.; share分享,宾语为sth.

41. let sb do, 此处用的是被动语态

42. get sth. done让某事被做

44.tired此处是过去分词, 表示主语的状态。only to learn…此处的不定式表结果。

45.此处的to find it, 表示目的

47. to eat at the restaurant, 介词at不能丢

48. 此处使用的是不定式的完成被动式。表示“曾经被讨论过三次”。

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