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语法学习:倒 装 句

时间:2024-07-16 22:09:56 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:内 容 提 要英语句子的一般语序为“主语部分+谓语部分”。如果把谓语放到主语前面,我们称之为倒装。倒装分为完全倒装和部分倒装。把谓语部分完全放到主语前称为完全倒装;把...

内 容 提 要

英语句子的一般语序为“主语部分+谓语部分”。如果把谓语放到主语前面,我们称之为倒装。倒装分为完全倒装和部分倒装。把谓语部分完全放到主语前称为完全倒装;把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,我们称之为部分倒装。倒装有多种原因,如:在问句中(Where did he go?),在there+be结构里,在以here(这里) (Here is another one. ),there(那里) (There is a dog at the door. )等副词开头的某些句子里,在祝愿句里(Long live peace!),在有些感叹句中(Here comes the bus!)。还有主语部分较长时需要倒装,强调句子的某一成分时需要倒装等等。



1. 疑问句(包括一般与特殊)在直接引语中仍需倒装

1) A question often posed [A] about journalism is “How much freedom reporters should [B] have in interpreting [C] any given news item [D] ?”

2. 特殊疑问句在从句中为间接引语时不能倒装

He asked me where I wanted to go.


如果第一分句是肯定句,第二分句用so+倒装结构,如果第一分句是否定句,则用neither, nor, no more

He can’t speak German, (and) neither can I. 他不会说德语,我也不会。

He had no friends nor acquantances, nor did he make any. 他没有朋友也没有相识,他也不交朋友。

You haven’t finished reading it, no more have I. 你没看完,我也一样(没看完)。

She is a bit nervous, (and) so am I. 她有点紧张,我也是。


在虚拟结构中的条件从句中,如果if被省略那么were, had或should要移至主语之前(could, might很少引导这样的倒装句)。(参见第三章“虚拟语气”第二节、5.)


Come what may, I will go there. 不管发生什么情况,我都要去。/Change your mind as you will, you will get no supplies. 即使你改变主意,你也不会得到供给品。


1) B错。改为should reporters。



这些副词有(just)then, soon, often, only(in this way, then), so(+形容词), especially, near(+地点名词或短语), early(+时间状语), in vain, many a time等等

1) So little about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.

[A] I know

[B] I knew

[C] do I know

[D] did I know

2) a partial answer.

[A] Will be found in this chapter

[B] In this chapter found will be

[C] In this chapter will be found

[D] This chapter will be found in

3) So abundant and so prominent the material benefits of science are [A] that in the eyes of many [B] these seem to be the only [C] benefits which she brings [D] .

注意:上述有些词如only虽然位于句子的开头,但它们作形容词用不是修饰介词短语或状语从句,而是修饰名词或代词则句子不需倒装:Only he managed to pass the exam. 只有他设法通过了考试。


1. 常见的否定副词有never, little, nowhere, not only(…but also, as well), not until, nowhere, hardly, scarcely, rarely, not once, seldom, no sooner

4) France Viuard an excellent political speaker but she was also among the first members of the populist party.

[A] Not only

[B] If only

[C] Only

[D] Not only was

5) At [A] no time China will [B] be the first [C] to use unclear weapons [D] .

6) Never the world has [A] seen so many nations cooperating [B] in such a [C] worthy [D] venture.

2. 但是,否定副词如果只是限定句子主语而非修饰谓语或全句,则句子不必倒装

Hardly anyone has seen a man who eats ants. 还没有人发现人吃蚂蚁。

3. 此外,某些否定词,如no 、not,修饰主语而不是作状语时,句子也不必倒装

No survivor has yet been found. 还没有发现幸存者。

Not all that glitters is gold. 不是闪光的东西都是金的。

7) Not on dry land.

[A] are all valleys

[B] valleys all are

[C] valleys are all

[D] all valleys are

4. 但当“not a和many a +名词”位于句首时,要用倒装语序

Not a word did he say at the meeting. 会上他一句话也没说。

Many a time has the manager emphasized this point. 经理多次强调这一点。

5. barely、hardly、scarcely和when、before连用,no sooner和than连用,它们位于句首时,为固定的倒装结构,表示一件事紧接着另一件事发生,相当于汉语的“一……就……”。但在时态上,主句一般用过去完成时而从句(when, before或than引导)用过去时。


Scarcely has a foreigner set foot in the United States before they ask him what he thinks of the country. 外国人刚去美国,他们就会问他对该国有什么看法。

No sooner had I left the house than it began to rain. 我刚离开屋子天就下起雨来。

8) Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre the curtain went up. (81年考题)

[A] than

[B] when

[C] before

[D] as soon as

上述句中,若barely, hardly, scarcely, no sooner用于句中,则不必倒装

I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain.

三、 介词短词+倒装结构

1. 以下列否定意义的短语为句首的句子应用倒装语序:under no circumstances, on no account,in no way, at no point, at no time, in no sense,这些短语都表示“绝不”。

On no account will my reference books be removed from the library. 绝不可能将参考书带出图书馆。

At no time shall a student cheat at his exam. 学生任何时候都不允许考试作弊。

9) In [A] no way passengers can [B] smoke in [C] the air?conditioned [D] bus.


2. 下面-些倒装句也应引起考生足够的重视

An old house stood at the side of the hill. →At the side of the hill stood an old house.(本句是为了保持句子平衡,避免主语过长。)

The measure our company took to prevent loss was absurd. →Absurd was the measure our company took to prevent loss.

Those who suffer are blessed. →Blessed are those who suffer.(上两例用来强调主语补足语。)


Difficult as the task was, they managed to accomplish it in time. 尽管任务艰巨,他们仍设法按时完成了。

Try as you will, you won’t be able to succeed. 尽管你愿意试试,但不会成功。


1) D为正确答案。

2) C为正确答案。

3) A错。改为are the material benefits of science。

4) D为正确答案。

5) B错。 改为will China。

6) A错。 改为has the world。

7) D为正确答案。

8) B为正确答案。

9) B错。改为can passengers。

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