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首页 英语 英语口语主题:交际英语热门话题47个24--付小费


时间:2024-07-20 17:28:13 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:英语聊天话题:交际口语热门话题47第二部分场景交际与礼仪之(10)付小费TipConversation 1A : Can I help you ?B : How much is it? Eight films and a bar of chocolate.A : Th...




Conversation 1

A : Can I help you ?

B : How much is it? Eight films and a bar of chocolate.

A : That’s $38, sir.

B : Can you accept a check?

A : Sorry sir. We can’t . Cash only.

B : Here’s two twenties. Keep the change.

A : Thank you . Have a nice day.

Conversation 2

A : Then I’ll take them. How much?

B : $120.The small gift box is complementary.

A : Here is $150.Keep the change.

B : Thank you ! Have a nice day!

A : You too. Bye.

Conversation 3

A : How much shall I pay?

B ; Let me see. A roasted duck is 15 dollars . A plate of pork is 10 dollars . A bowl of beef is 6 dollars. Two bottles of beer are 3 dollars. That’ll be a total of 34 dollars.

A : Here is 40 dollars. Keep the change, please.

B : Oh, sorry , sir . We take no tips here. Thank you all the same.

Conversation 4

A : Thank you . Steven. That was the most magnificent meal I’ve had abroad. You’ll have to let me reciprocate the next time you’re in Beijing.

B : Don’t worry about it , Lin. That’s no big deal. You know, Americans appreciate China’s rich culinary culture. Just excuse me for a second while I check the number here and figure out how much to give the waiter.(Examines the bill) Hmm, by the way, what do you do about tipping in China?

A : We don’t .

B : No tipping? Now that’s what I call a civilized system.

A : At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill, but other than that , tipping isn’t customary.

B : What about cab drivers and porters?

A : In a cab you just pay what it says on the meter. I generally tip hotel porters 10 yuan per bag, but in first-class hotels they’re instructed not to accept gratuities.

B : You’d have a revolution on your hands if you tried to introduce that sort of system here.

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