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时间:2024-07-16 22:07:19 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:名词部分1. 一般而言,英语中表示度、量、衡、价格的单位名词为可数名词,有单数与复数的词形变化。one penny →six pennies one dollar →two dollars但是其谓语动词...


1. 一般而言,英语中表示度、量、衡、价格的单位名词为可数名词,有单数与复数的词形变化。

one penny →six pennies one dollar →two dollars


Twenty miles is a long way to walk.

2. 音译的汉语量词,一般不用复数形式,如里(li), 斤(jin), 亩(mu), 元(yuan) , 角(jiao),


The pig weighs over one hundred jin.

3. 某些名词的复数形式,有时具有特别的意思。例如papers (文件,证件);goods (货物);

clothes (衣服);arms (武器);minutes (记录);times (时代);greens (青菜);

looks (外貌);manners (礼貌);peoples (民族,种族);words (言语);

grounds (场地,庭园);works (工厂、工事、著作)

4. 有些名词经常带着-s词尾的。但通常把它们当作单数看待,只有在个别的句子里才作复数处理。

如news, politics, physics, the United States, the United Nations...

某些表示由两个部分构成的物体的名词,如trousers, glasses, shoes, chopsticks, 还包括

goods, arms, clothes, minutes, contents, wages都可作复数。

His clothes are quite old.

5. 一般地说物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词,因此没有复数形式,如information, knowledge,

advice, milk, water, ice, bread。但是某些名词以复数形式出现时,其含义或表示若干种类,


There are many fishes in the river. 河里有许多种鱼。

She told him of all her hopes and fears. 她把她所有的希望及担忧之事告诉了他。

6. 有些集体名词通常用作复数。police, people, youth, cattle,其单数形式分别为:

a policeman, a person, a young person, a cow

7. 常考不可数名词:advice, baggage, equipment, information, luggage, furniture, fun,

weather, knowledge, jewelry, progress, news, work, music, health, luck。

8. 复合名词的复数形式:girl friends, boy students, women teachers, men workers, passers-

by(复合名词中有主体名词), go-betweens, grown-ups(复合名词中无主体名词)

9.不能被's所替换的名词所有格形式:the city of Beijing, at the age of 20, the experience

of the old, the struggle of the poor…


1. 必须加the的几种情况:the same, the only, the very前;by the +计量单位;by the dozen,

by the day, by the pound

It's the very book I'm looking for.

The workers are paid by the hour.

2. as 引导的让步状语从句中,如果表语(宾语)为单数可数名词,不用冠词。

Student as he is, he never obeys the teacher.


1. it, that, one, the one, the ones, those区别

My pen was lost. I cannot find it. (同一物体)

My pen was lost. I have to buy a new one. (同类不同一)

The population of Shanghai is much larger than that of Tianjin. (不可数名词)

This pen is not the one I lost yesterday. (特指)

The pens are not the ones/ those I lost yesterday.

2. each, either, both, neither, every, all区别

Trees are planted on both sides of the street.

Trees are planted on every/each side of the square.

Trees are planted on neither side of the street.

Trees are planted on all sides of the square.

3. another, the other, other, others区别

Another student came in. (another后接可数名词单数,表示泛指。)

I have two brothers. One is a teacher. The other is a doctor.

I ate half of the peach and left the other half to my brother.

(“one+名词单数… the other+名词单数… ”是固定搭配,表示“两者中一个……,剩余一


Some students are playing football on the playground. Others(other students)are doing

their homework in the classroom.

(some+可数名词复数 … other+可数名词复数… 也是一个固定搭配,表示一些……,另外一


4. none, nothing, nobody, neither

—How many students are there in the classroom? —None.

—How much money do you have? —None.

—Is there anybody in the classroom? —Nobody.

—Is there anything in the room? —Nothing.

—Would you please lend me some ink? —Sorry, but I have none left myself.

I want neither of the two books.

I want none of the three books.

—What do you want? —Nothing.

—Of the three things, which do you want? —None.

5. 反身代词应注意以下几点:

I myself think… 我本人认为……

Help yourself! 请随便吃吧

Make yourself at home! 别客气

Don't upset yourself. 别自寻烦恼

make oneself heard/ understood

between ourselves, do you think... 私下里说

In itself, his illness is nothing to worry about. 就疾病本身而言,没什么可担心的。

He is not quite himself today. 他今天感到不舒服。

by oneself = alone, without help 单干、无人帮忙

for oneself 为自己;of oneself 自动地

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