Beijing’s central heating is likely to be switched on early this winter, when the average temperature plunges below 5 C for five days consecutively or when a heavy snowfall or high wind hits the city。
文中的central heating就是指“集中供暖”,“供暖”也称为heating supply,提供central heating的这段时间也就是heating season(供热时期、供暖季)。为保证这段期间的燃料供应,北京还在周边地区建立了contingency reserve base of coal(煤炭应急储备基地)。这也打消了大家对于extremely cold winter(极寒)的顾虑。
为了满足不同用户的需求,北京一些小区还推行了household heating(分户供暖),对用户实际的使用情况进行计量收费,所采取的标准就是household-based heat metering(分户热计量)。