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时间:2024-07-20 16:16:54 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:大众英语上 Gateway to English ;Lesson Twenty-six Words and Expressions own /un/vt.拥有,占有 ;painting/’peinti/ n. 绘画 ;photographer /f’tgr...

大众英语上 Gateway to English ;

Lesson Twenty-six Words and Expressions own /un/vt.拥有,占有 ;

painting/’peinti/ n. 绘画 ;

photographer /f’tgrf/ n.摄影师 ;

photograph /’futgra:f/ n.照片,相片 ;

physics /’fiziks/ n.物理学 player /plei/n.选手 pond /pnd/n.水池 ;

professional /pr’fenl/ adj.职业的,专业的 profit/’prfit/n.利润 ;

profitable /’prfitbl/ adj.赢利的 raise/reiz/ vt.饲养 ;

record/’rek:d/n.唱片 restful /’restful/ adj. 安静的,平稳的 sewing /sui/n.缝纫 ;

sit /sit/vi.坐 sat(过去式、过去分词) ;

situation /,sitju’ein/ n.情况,形势 ;

spend /spend/ vt.用(钱),花费 spent (过去式、过去分词) ;

start /sta:t/vt.开始 sum /sm/n. 款项,金额 teach /ti:/ vt.教 ;

taught (过去式、过去分词) term /t:m/ n.学期 ;

willing/’wili/ adj. 愿意 wood /wud/ n.木头 ;

worry /’wri/ vi. 担心,烦恼 writer/’rait/n. 作家 ;

yesterday /’jestdei/ adv.昨天 Africa/’frik/ 非洲 ;

Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;

-Were you in Beijing last winter? -No,I wasn’t. ;

-Where were you? -I was in Guangzhou. ;

Drill 2 -Did you see a film last week? -Yes,I did. ;

-What film did you see? -I saw the American film"The Golden Pond". ;

Text Hobbies for Fun and Profit ;

Many people have discovered that hobbies can be profi- table as well as fun. ;

Some people have such fine collections of bottles, flags, buttons ;

or shells that others are willing tc pay to see them ;

or they offer to buy their collections for large sums of money. ;

Some of the best collections are owned by people ;

who started their hobbies as young boys or girls. ;

Some of the things that American children like to collect are stamps and dolls. ;

Older people also save stamps, ;

but they collect coins and things made of glass more often than dolls. ;

Painting, writing and taking photographs are the best examples of hobbies ;

that may become occu- pations. Every writer, artist ;

and photographer probably started as a hobbyist before becom- ing a professional. ;

Other hobbies that could be profitable include cooking, ;

sewing and making things out of wood. ;

Many doctors believe that hobbies help to make our lives more enjoyable. ;

They believe that people who raise fish or collect records are ;

too busy to spend their time worrying. Doctors also think that an active person, ;

such as a baseball player, should have a restful hobby such as reading, ;

while a person who sits at a desk all day should have a lively hobby such as tennis, ;

golf or swimming. Most people in the United States agree with the doctors. ;

It is difficult to find an American who does not have a favorite hobby. ;

Lesson Twenty-seven Words and Expressions ;

according to /’k:di/ prep.根据.... ;

ancient / ’einnt/ adj.古老的,古代的 article/’a:tikl/n.文章 ;

badminton/’bdmintn/ n.羽毛球 bit/bit/ n.少许,一点 blow /blu/vt.吹 ;

blew/blu:(过去式) blown/blun/过去分词) bubble/’bbl/n.泡泡 ;

cause/k:z/ vt.引起,成为.....原因 certainly / ’s:tnli/ adv.自然地,肯定地 ;

chew/tu:/vt.咀嚼 circle/’s:kl/ n.圆形,圆 ;

civilization /,sivilai’zein/ n.文明,文化 ;

close /kluz/ vt.& vi.关,闭合 contain/k’tein/ vt.包含,含有 ;

contest/’kntest/ n.比赛 decide /di’said/ vt. 决定 ;

enormous /i’n:ms/ adj.巨大的 enter/’ent/ vt.进入,参加 ;

exaggerate /ig’zdreit/ vt.夸大,夸张 ;

exaggeration /ig’zdrei/ n.夸张 ;

expert/’eksp:t/ n.专家,能手 gum /gm/ n.胶姆糖,口香糖 ;

help/help/ vt.帮助 hide/haid/ vt.隐藏 hid (过去式) ;

hidden/’hidn/ (过去分词) humor /’hju:m/ n.(美拼法)幽默 ;

humour (英拼法) impression /im’pren/ n.印象,感想 ;

inner/’in/ adj. 里边的,内部的 involve /in’vlv/ vt. 包括,涉及 ;

jungle/’dgl/ n.丛林,热带森林 laugh /la:f/vi.大笑 ;

lesson /’lesn/ n.功课,课程 ;

literature /’litrit/ n.文学、文学作品 low /lu/adj.低 ;

poor /pu/ adj.穷苦的,穷困的 ;

popularity /,ppju’lriti/ n.流行,普及 ;

remember/ri’memb/ vt.记住 report /ri’p:t/ vt.报导 ;

row /ru/n.一排,一行 rubber/’rb/n.橡胶 ruin/’ru:in/ n.遗迹,遗址 ;

Spaniard /’spnjd/ n.西班牙人 story/’st:ri/n.故事 ;

tire/tai/ n.(美拼法)轮胎 tyre英语拼法 tube /tju:b/ n.软管 ;

inner tube 内胎 Julio/’dulju/ (男人名) Camba /’kmb/(姓) ;

Mexico/’meksiku/ 墨西哥 ;

Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;

-Jane often writes to you,doesn’t she? -Yes,she does. ;

-When did she write to you last? -In February. ;

Drill 2 -Have you found your watch ? -Yes,I have. ;

-Where did you find it ? -I found it in my office. ;

Text Chewing Gum ;

Julio Camba wrote articles for a Spanish newspaper. ;

Because he was inter- ested in people from other countries, ;

he decided to travel around the world and meet many of them. ;

Each time he went to another country he tried to learn somth- ing about the people ;

that made them a little different from all the others. ;

Since he also liked to have fun, he put all his impressions into a book ;

that caused many peop- le to laugh, not just at each other but also at themselves. ;

What Julio Camba rem- embered most about the United States was that ;

too many people chewed gum.The people that sat across from him on the bus looked to him ;

like a row of fish because their mouths kept opening and clos- ing ;

as they chewed their gum. ;

The humor that is found in literature usually involves exaggeration. ;

Julio Camba was an expert at this kind of humor. ;

He said that families who were too poor to buy chewing gum would get an old inner tube ;

from an automobile tire and place it in the center of the floor. ;

The family would then sit in a circle around the inner tube and ;

spend the evening chewing on it. Accord- ing to Camba, ;

one inner tube would last the family an entire year. ;

Chewing gum is made from trees that ;

grow in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. ;

Men who go into the jungles to find these trees have discovered the ruins of ancient ;

civilizations that have been hidden for hundreds of years. ;

Some people like to chew gum that contains a bit of rubber. ;

This special kind of gum is called "bubble gum",and with a little practice some people ;

learn to blow such enormous bubbles with it that they enter contests to see ;

who can blow the bigg- est bubbles. ;

Julio Camba was cer- tainly right about the popularity of chewing gum in ;

the United States. He was exaggerating when he wrote that ;

the poor people chew inner tubes, but he probably was not exaggerating ;

when he reported that some Americans Spend more money on chewing gum ;

than some Spaniards spend on food. ;

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