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首页 英语 英语提高版22A At the restaurant

英语提高版22A At the restaurant

时间:2024-07-20 16:11:23 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Situation 22:At the restaurantWow,this is a really expensive place.Are you sure you want to eat here?Why don’t we just go get a couple of sandwiches?Don&r...

Situation 22:

At the restaurant

Wow,this is a really expensive place.

Are you sure you want to eat here?

Why don’t we just go get a couple of sandwiches?

Don’t worry about that.

(The waitress greets them.)

Good afternoon.How many people today?

Just the two of us.

Would you like a booth?

That will be fine,thank you.

All right,follow me please.

(James and Steve are seated.)

Here is our lunch menu with the specials listed on the

right.I would especially like to recommend the

steak and lobster combination.The lobster is very fresh.

I think I will just have the soup and salad special,please.

What are you talking about? Why don’t we both get

the steak and lobster special? It sounds great.

But James,that will be a sixty dollar lunch bill.I know what your

salary is and you can’t afford lunches like this.

Don’t worry about it.This goes on a company credit card.

But we don’t have company credit cards.

As of today,I have one.

James!Does that mean that you got a promotion?

Let’s order first,then I’ll tell you all about it.

Waitress,we’d like two of the steak and lobster specials.

Yes,sir.And how would you like your steak?

Medium rare,please.

And you,sir?

Make mine medium well,please.

Fine.Anything to drink today?

Yes,I believe we will have two glasses of your best red wine.

Very good.Will that be all?

Yes,thank you.

Would you tell me what’s going on?

I’m dying of curiosity.

I met Mr.Barnes this morningand we had a very

interesting talk about the Wang account.

What did he say?

Well,first of all,you are looking at the new Executive

Directorin charge of the Wang account development team.

Are you serious? Congratulations James,

you really deserve it.Wow! An executive position,I can’t

believe it.

That’s not all.Mr.Barnes thinks that what this account

really need’s is not only technical supportbut a new promotional

strategy to emphasize the strengths of our softwareand Wang’s operating

systems.My new job is to put togetherand supervise a team

to continue technical development and support.In addition,as I just

mentioned,the team will have to come up with a newand innovative

marketing strategy for the product.

That all sounds great,James.I’m really happy for you.If I had been just a

little more of a team player,perhaps Mr.Barnes would of promoted me

to the team as well.Guess I really missed my chance yesterday.

Well,that is what I wanted to talk to you about over

lunch today.Even though things didn’t go that well

for you yesterday,I understand why it happened.I know how much stress

you have been under at work to bring in a big contract.

To be honest,I haven’t been sleeping very well because of

the stress.

Also,I remember how much you helped me when I first joined

the company.That is why I want you to be my right hand

man on the new team.Mr.Barnes authorized me to offer you the

Assistant Executive Director’s position.

You’re not joking,are you? You are being serious with me?

I’m being totally serious.

I can’t believe it.This is the chance I’ve been waiting for.

But,I don’t understand Yesterday Mr.Barnes looked like he was

ready to fire me.What changed his mind?

I don’t think he was really that mad at you.But he did ask me who

I wanted to be second hand command on my teamand I said I wanted you.

After yesterday you would still do this for me?

Like I said before,I understand why you acted the way

you did yesterday.I also need your advertising expertise on the team.

I don’t know what to say.This is the promotion I’ve been waiting for.


(Waitress brings the food and drinks.)

Here are your orders and your drinks Enjoy your meal.

Thank you.

If there is anything else I can get you,please let me know.

(James picks up his wine glass)

Let’s make a toast to our new team.


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