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时间:2024-07-16 22:00:45 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:十、作形式宾语句型一: 主语+谓语动词+it +宾语补足语+(for/of sb.)+不定式/动名词/名词性从句在这个句型中,谓语动词通常是find, think, make, consider, regard等。引导名...


句型一: 主语+谓语动词+it +宾语补足语+(for/of sb.)+不定式/动名词/名词性从句

在这个句型中,谓语动词通常是find, think, make, consider, regard等。引导名词性从句的有that, if, whether, who, what, when, where, how等。

201. I think it important that we keep up with the times.

202. I think it possible for us to get there on time if we hurry.

203. Do you think it possible to finish it in time?

204. We all consider it wrong to cheat in examination.

205. I feel it my duty to help the poor.

206. I think it stupid of you to accept his present.

207. She found it useless arguing with her husband.

208. I think it worthwhile discussing the problem again.

209. We all believe it no good quarrelling over such trifles. 我们都认为位这种区区小事争吵没有益处。

210. I count it an honor that I can serve you.

211. You haven’t made it clear whether I am to go or not.

212. Haven’t I made clear it you mustn’t spit everywhere?

213. I want to make it clear whether she still loves him or not.

it可以用在have, enjoy, hate, like, love, take, appreciate等动词后充当形式宾语。

214. I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.

215. I hate it that I’ve made so many mistakes.

216. Does it matter if he can’t finish the job on time?

217. I like it when she kiss me.

218. He will have it that our plan is impracticable.

219. We take it that you will act according to the final agreement. 我方认为贵方是会按最后协议行事的。

220. We all take it that Liu Xiang will win the first prize. 我们都相信鲍勃会获得一等奖。

221. I will appreciate it if you call me back. 如果你给我回电话我会感激不尽。

222. I take it for granted that we should work hard.


①.主语+take it for granted that…

②.It is taken for granted that…


223. They took it for granted that he will win the pretty girl’s favor. (应得漂亮姑娘的芳心)

224. It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.


句型:It is/was + 被强调部分 +that/who +其他成分.


(一). 强调主语

225. It is I who am to blame.都怪我。

226. It was Mr. Wang who/that gave me this dictionary.

227. It is the people who are really powerful. 真正强大的是人民。

228. It is Beijing that is the capital of China.

229. It’s I who runs this shop, not you.

230. I was he that helped the old man across the street.

231. It is I who/that am a new winner of the gold medal.

232. It is you that/who made fun of him.

233. It is that he often fails in exams that makes his parents worried about him.

234. What is it that has made him so excited? 到底是什么事情使他变得如此激动?

235. It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are. 重要的是工作能力,而不是你来自哪儿或你是干什么的。

(二). 强调宾语

236. It was a black car that Jack bought yesterday.

237. It is Han Mei that/whom I teach every Saturday evening.

238. It was Mr. Green that/whom he brought the newspapers to. =

239. It was to Mr. Green that he brought the newspapers.

240. It was her that/whom I wanted to call on the other day.

(三). 强调状语

241. It is last night that all this happened.

242. It was in Beijing that I was born.

243. It was because of his illness that he was late yesterday.

244. It was because it rained that he didn’t come.

245. It is by bike that he often goes to school.

246. It was when he was about to leave that the telephone rang.

247. It was in 1968 that they got married.

248. It was not until he finished his work that Mr. Wang went home.

249. t was not until he finished his homework that he went out.

(四). 强调疑问词:疑问词 + be + it + that…


250. Who was it that did it?


251. What is it that he wants us to do?


252. Where was it that you picked up the pen?


(一). 作seem, happen等动词的主语

it常做seem, appear, happen, turn out等动词的主语,在这些结构中,it没有实意。

253. It seems unlikely that he will pass the exam.他不大可能会通过考试。

254. It happened that I was not in the classroom when the earthquake happened. 地震发生时我碰巧不在教室。

255. It turned out (to be) a stormy day. 结果那天风狂雨骤。

256. It appears that she have many friends. 她似乎有很多朋友。

(二). 泛指“生活”、“生活环境”等

257. How is it going? 情况如何?

258. How is it going with your mother? 你母亲好么?=How is it with your mother?

259. It is always the case with him.他的情况一向如此。

260. I shall stick it out here till he comes. 我将一直在这儿坚持下去,直到他回来。

261. He wants to leave home and go it alone. 他想离开家,独立生活。

262. At last we’ve made it.

263. go for it 努力争取;加油

264. You can make it, too.

265. Believe it or not.

266. It depends. / It all depends. 得看情况而定

267. It serves sb. right. 某人罪有应得。

268. Have a hard time of it 经历一段艰苦时间;吃了不少苦头

269. have a rare time of it 过得极其快活;玩得极其愉快

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