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时间:2024-07-20 16:04:36 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:每个企业和单位都比较看中应聘者的学历,高学历在一定程度上也代表着高能力和高素质。即使你的学历很高,在表达上也应该注意一些技巧。曾经有个面试官这样问一位面试者:"What do...


曾经有个面试官这样问一位面试者:"What does the ‘J.D.,C.P.C’ after your name mean?:"其实‘J.D.,C.P.C’是Juris Doctor and Certified Placement Counselor."(法学博士,法律顾问资格证)但是这位聪明的面试者是这样回答的:"The ‘J.D.’ stands for ‘Just do it!’, and the ‘C.P.C.’ stands for ‘Courage, Persistence, and Confidence.’"因此学历不是很高的求职者也不是说就一定不行,最主要是看你如何介绍自己的教育背景,学位证书有时并不是很重要,如何把你优势的一面告诉面试官才是最重要的。


Q: What made you choose _______as your major?

A1: I always knew business man¬agement was where I had the most potential, and I’ve remained with it because I turned out to be right. Not everyone is as fortunate as I have been. It’s very difficult at 18 to predict and plan for the future; but, even then, I knew what I wanted to do. I’m glad I set my goals at a young age. It has worked out well for me.

《白领英语900句》:这种回答适合于专业与你应聘的职位相符的情况下。对于这个问题很多人都会不假思索的随便回答,千万当心,这个问题的目的是考察你的Decision Quality这一项胜任力,所以不要简单的说"感兴趣"或者"就业前景乐观"等。要有一些充足的理由来说明你的这个决定。

A2: When I was 18, nothing in the world seemed so important as (U.S. history/philosophy/English literature), and I studied for the sake of learning. Later, I realized I needed further education in subjects that would help me in my career.


Q: Do you feel you made the right choice?

A1: Absolutely, and my career success bears me out. I am very happy with the path my life and work have followed.

A2: Yes, at the time I did. I learned a great deal, and I be¬lieved in the value of education. I, of course, went on to learn more, both formally and on the job, that applies di¬rectly to my field. I’m glad I started out in one area and switched to another. It has enhanced my ability to be cre¬ative and flexible because I have learned different ap¬proaches to performing the work successfully.


Q: How do you think the education you’ve received will contribute to your work in this institution?

A1: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in business in your company.


A2:As my major at college was international trade, I think I have a basic understanding of the work processes in an import and export company like yours.


A3: My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with .I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute.


Q: What specialized training have you received to improve your job skills?

A1: After beginning my career, 1 saw that my undergraduate degree wasn’t enough. I needed knowledge of a higher and more specific level, so I went back to school to get a master) of business management which I will complete in 2007. By integrating my studies with actual job experience, I found I could leverage the value I received through my education. I estimate I learned about 10 times as much that specifically applies to this field during my graduate work..


A2: I took every opportunity that arose to attend classes, seminars, and workshops in this area. Even when my em¬ployer wasn’t sponsoring the education, I used my own money and personal time to learn what I needed to know. It really paid off.


A3: I know education is important. When we stop learning, we stop growing and achieving. Since I began my career 5 years ago, 1 have been so thoroughly occupied with the demands of work that my ongoing ed¬ucation has been through on-the-job learning, company-sponsored training and similar activities. I read everything I can find that applies to my profession, sub¬scribe to its trade journals, and keep myself current on new developments.


Q: How did you do in school?

A1: Dean’s list throughout, with a_____________ grade point average.


A2: Above average mostly Bs(80 points) and some Cs(70 points). I worked and was involved in many extracurricular activities while maintaining a low B/high C average.


A3: My grades were average, but I spent a great deal of time achieving in other areas, such as

part-time employment and extracurricular activities like __________________(mention activities and affiliations related to the work for which you are applying). I al¬ways did my work thoroughly. As with most other people, if I could do it again, my grades probably would be much higher. I’d not only work harder, but I’ve learned a lot since then!


Q: What are your educational goals for the future?

A1: My goal is to do everything possible to keep learn¬ing and improving. Things change so rapidly that we cannot rely on what we learned 10, 5, even 2 years ago. Some of my education will be informal reading, re¬search, and simply paying attention to what is going on. You can learn a lot just by l

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