Dong Qian: I always feel that a writer is like a hen, and his works are like eggs. We may not always wonder what the hen looks like while we eat eggs. But this time, it’s a golden egg. So naturally, everybody becomes curious about this hen who laid a golden egg. That’s why you’ve drawn so much attention.
Mo Yan: If it’s a nice looking hen, it worth some attention. But if it’s only the egg that is shiny, don’t waste your time looking at the hen.
Dong Qian: Do you think their evaluation is in accord with your own judgement?
Mo Yan: I think they understood my novels. I don’t know that it’s accurate to say my works are the fusion of hallucinatory realism and folk tales. I’d rather say it merges fiction and folk stories, social problems and historical events. Maybe that’s more accurate.
Mo Yan: When I heard that I won the Nobel Prize, I was pleasantly surprised and frightened.
Dong Qian: Pleasantly surprised means you were very happy?