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英语提高版6A for the Meeting

时间:2024-07-20 15:53:06 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Situation 6: Planningfor the MeetingI’m back.Here’s your coffee.You feeling better?I feel like a champ.Where should we begin?As always,it’s be...

Situation 6: Planning

for the Meeting

I’m back.

Here’s your coffee.You feeling better?

I feel like a champ.Where should we begin?

As always,it’s best to begin at the beginning.What have you

pepared for your meeting with Wang?

Basically,I just have an outline of a

presentation of our company’s new softwareI think our product is

high quality and that the people from Wang

will realizethat once they hear a description of it.

Well James,that’s a little too simple.We know the product is

good,but we have to convince them of that

too.Luckily,I put together a video presentation

on my notebook computer using our software.If they like the

presentation,and I am confident they will,then that automatical-

ly means that they like our company’s product.

Steve,that’s why you are at the top of sales.You think of

everything in advance.I’m really just a computer software

engineer;I can make this stuff but I can’t sell it.

Of course you can’t.That’s why Mr.Barnes put us

together.I’ll take care of selling the software,and you can answer any

tough technical questions that the people from Wang might ask.

I’m as bad at science as you are at sales.

Steve,you’re too modest.You’re great at sales,but I know you know

something about computers too.I still remember when

we first started working here;you taught me a thing

or two about Apple Macintosh computers.

Sure I know about Macs,but that’s just because I used one

all through college,Plus,any dummy can use a Mac.

I couldn’t.

Not at first.But after about three days you were already

better than me.

Okay,okay.So I’m a computer nerd.

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