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时间:2024-07-20 15:51:59 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:常用应急场景范例一:Changes in ruleI am going on a business trip to Guangzhou next Monday morning.To visit our supplier?Yes, as the New Year is coming, they’re o...


范例一:Changes in rule

I am going on a business trip to Guangzhou next Monday morning.

To visit our supplier?

Yes, as the New Year is coming, they’re organizing a party for all their customers.

Well, I guess you will meet many people in this field. So don’t forget to pack enough business cards in your suitcase.


By the way, do you know that our company just made some changes in the business trip policy?

No, no one has informed me of that so far, tell me.

Ok, there is no cash advance anymore for short trips. You have to pay out of your own pocket, so save all the receipts from your business trip. And then attach them to your expense account. When you get back, our company will reimburse everything.

I see. What about the maximum purdy and rate, any change?

I am not sure. You can check with the finance department.

I will call them this afternoon, thanks.

You’re welcome. Have a nice trip.

范例二:Lousy business trip

Hi, Francis, how was your business trip?

It was a nightmare.

What’s up?

Actually, the business trip itself was very successful. We arrived on time, we had nice conversations and we settled some important issues for the next year.

Sounds quite fruitful, why do you call it still a nightmare then?

Well, the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge. I left the airport three hours later than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam. When I finally got home, I was totally exhausted. But I found the elevator was out of service due to a blackout.

This is really a sad story. Did they trace back your luggage?

I am still waiting for their call.

Take it easy, all sufferings have their reward.

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