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首页 英语 外企白领口语速查速说 Unit 3日常办公室用语 02 工作交流

外企白领口语速查速说 Unit 3日常办公室用语 02 工作交流

时间:2024-07-20 15:49:23 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Consulting with Colleagues你能帮我个忙吗?Can you do me a favor?A: Hi,Lisa,can you do me a favor?B: Sure.Whats the matter?A: I need to call Brian in the Busine...

Consulting with Colleagues


Can you do me a favor?

A: Hi,Lisa,can you do me a favor?

B: Sure.Whats the matter?

A: I need to call Brian in the Business Department.Where can I find his office number?

B: Ah,you can find that in the companys tele ̄phone directory.Here you are.


dial the extension

A: Ive found Brians office number — 1234.Thats weird.Only four digits.

Can you tell me how to dial the number?

B: OK.You see,all the phone numbers in this company start with 8611.

So Brians number is actually 86111234.

As thats an inside connection you are about to make,you need only to dial the extension 1234.


make outside connections

A: Lisa,how can I make outside connections?

B: Oh,you need to dial 0 first.Wait for a moment until you hear the long beep.

Then dial the number you want.


log on/in OA account

A: Excuse me,Mark,how can I log on my OA account?

B: Thats easy.Your user name is your given name.

The initial password is 111111.You can change it after you log on.


Could you help me?

A: Mr.Smith,I was wondering if you could help me with something.

B: What can I do for you?

A: Could you kindly translate this letter into French for me?

B: No problem.Hope its not too difficult.


give me a little help with...

A: Rose,are you free now?

B: Give me 5 minutes.Ill finish off my work on the computer.

A: Please finish the job at hand,then could you come over and give me a little help with my report?

B: Sure,Id love to.


You are my savior!

A: Whats wrong with your report?

B: It seems I cannot do without the companys budget for this year.Where can I get the statistics?

A: Oh,youre lucky.Ive just got the numbers from John.Here,take this.

B: Thank you.You are my savior!


sign in the visitors book

A: This is our factory.

B: Wow,its huge!

A: Now you have to put on this badge for safety.And would you sign in the visitors book please?

B: Yes,of course.


How large is the plant?

A: Hi,Howard,I wonder if you can tell me something about our plant.

B: Sure.What do you want to know?

A: How large is the plant?

B: It covers an area of 75,000 square meters.


10th anniversary

A: The plant is much larger than I expected.

B: Is it?

A: When was it set up?

B: In the late 90s.Well soon be celebrating our 10th anniversary.


We are running on three shifts.

A: With such a big plant,we must have many employees.

B: Thats true.About five hundred.We are running on three shifts.


Its very advanced at present.

A: Here,is this our new production line?

B: Yes,it is.

A: Its very advanced at present.

B: Thank you.Im afraid youll have to wear an overall.Its a hygienic requirement.


Its a security requirement.

= Its for your safety.

A: Could you stand back a little bit please?

B: Why? Whats wrong?

A: Nothing.Its a security requirement not to touch the machine.

B: Oh,Im sorry.


You are going to have to redo/revise this planning.

A: Im sorry,Mr.Zhang.But you are going to have to redo this planning.

Its badly organized.I cant present this to the general manager.

B: Im sorry,Ms.Brown.Ill rework it.Thanks for your suggestion.

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