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首页 英语 外企白领口语速查速说 Unit 4 会议用语 06 工作总结会

外企白领口语速查速说 Unit 4 会议用语 06 工作总结会

时间:2024-07-20 15:41:23 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Summarization of Career Achievements已取得了让人满意的结果。Weve attained/achieved a satisfactory result.A: Im glad to see that weve attained a satisfacto...

Summarization of Career Achievements


Weve attained/achieved a satisfactory result.

A: Im glad to see that weve attained a satisfactory result

since we established business relations with 3M Company.

B: Thats it!And today shall we discuss the question of establishing a joint venture?

我觉得… I suppose...

A: But I suppose its time to solve the problems in our business first,

before we move on to a new project.

B: OK,please.

据我所知 as far as I know

A: Do you have any suggestion?

B: Im thinking of the improvement of current investment environment.

As far as I know,many a foreign investors has complained about that.

现在亟需… Its urgent to do...

A: Youre quite right. I noticed that as well.

B: Its urgent to change the investment environment;

at least we may contribute a little to that.


in my humble opinion

A: In the last few years,we have tried to create a more favorable environment for our domestic partners.

B: But in my humble opinion,we should not only further our ties with domestic partners,

but also establish business relations with international companies.


Thats a good point/ idea. =That sounds great!

A: Thats a good point.

Would you work out a proposal first and next week we may have a detailed discussion.

B: Alright!


regulations and measures that benefit our customers/beneficial to our customers

A: Recently we put into effect some new regulations and measures that benefit our customers.

Did you get any feedback from them?

B: Our customers are quite content with these new measures at first,

but they made many complaints later on.


tell us more/in detail

A: Really? Tell us more,please.

B: Some customers claimed that our measures cannot be fully put into effect in some regions.


I share the same opinions with you.

A: In the first five years,auto parts production was a lucrative business,but no longer.

B: I share the same opinion with you.


Do you have any sparking idea?

A: Do you have any sparking idea on this?

B: I am wondering if we can establish a clothing factory as a joint venture.


I can assure/promise you that such things will never happen again.

A: The promotion campaign was not very effective in the northeast market.

Do we have to change our project?

B: Probably you worried that the failure of promotion campaign would exert negative impact on the market,right?

A: Thats it!

B: I assure you that such things will never happen again.


Shall we make certain changes accordingly?

A: The municipal government set forth a new policy favoring the joint ventures.

Shall we make certain changes accordingly?

B: As a matter of fact,our revenue increased a lot under the influence of this policy.

A: That means...

B: That means everything goes well so far.


You can brief me on that afterwards.

A: Nancy,how about the Export Commodities Fair?

B: We concluded some substantial business with an Italian company.

A: Great!But for the sake of time,you can brief me on that afterwards.

B: No problem!

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