“I’d love to, but I don’t have time”
“ I wish I could, but I have to meet someone.”
“Is that song, Hae Kyo…oh my gosh..got to run!”
Just saying N-O “no” is tough.
1 when you have to decline…when you want to say ”No” to someone, but you are afraid you might hurt that person’s feeling, what DO you say?
2 Do you have trouble saying, “No”?
3 When do you have trouble saying, “No”?
4 talk about a time when you wanted to say “No” but said “Yes” instead.
5 What are some good excuses to use when saying, “No”?
6 How often do you say, “No” to people?
7 Have you ever liked to someone to protect his feelings?
8 How would you feel if someone lied to you to protect your feelings?
9 Is it difficult for you to decline offers for help?
10 What do you think is the most appropriate thing to say when you are declining an offer?