Spoken American English Volume 4 ;标准美国语 5
Chapter 1. Sure,Unsure ;1.确定,无法确定
1.Definitely. 2.Certainly. 3.Sure! ;1.肯定是如此. 2.那是一定的. 3.对呀!
4.Absolutely. 5.Of course. 6.Without a doubt. ;4.绝对是的. 5.那当然啦. 6.毫无疑问的.
7.A:You think I wouldn’t dare? B:You bet! ;7.A:你以为我不敢吗? B:正是如此! 当然!
8.That’s for sure. 9.Beyond the shadow of a doubt. ;8.那错不了. 9.这毋庸置疑.
10.Naturally. 11.It’s a sure thing. ;10.自然是如此. 11.这是十拿九稳的事.
12.Positively. 13.It’s inevitable. 14.You can count on it ;12.绝对错不了. 13.这无可避免. 14.这绝对靠得住.
15.If it’s gonna happen,it’s gonna happen. ;15.是福不是祸, 是祸躲不过.
16.Nothing bad could come of this. ;16.这不致于出差错.
17.I wouldn’t count on it. 18.Don’t bet on it. ;17.我不敢指望它. 18.这个不可靠.
19.Make no mistake. I’m going to succeed. ;19.你不要门缝看扁人, 我一定会成功.
20.How can you be so positive from this distance? ;20.从这么远的距离,你 怎能肯定看清楚了 什么?
21.It’s open to questioning. 22.It’s not guaranteed ;21.这是值得商榷的. 22.这并没保证.
23.Could be. 24.It’s likely. ;23.也许是.有可能是. 24.很有可能.
25.It’s possible. 26.It’s anyone’s guess. ;25.有此可能. 26.是非曲直没人敢肯定
27.It’s merely guess upon guess. 28.I don’t deal with "what if’s." ;27.这只是乱猜一气罢了. 28.我从不做没把握的事.
9.You’re either dead sure or dead. ;29.如果你没完全的把握 准死无疑.
Chapter 2. Reconsideration ;2. 重新考虑
1.Give it some thought will ya? 2.Don’t rush into things. ;1.仔细考虑一下,好吗? 2.不要仓促行事.
3.That’s a little premature,don’t you think? ;3.你认为时机 还不成熟吗?
4.Don’t do anything that you might regret later. ;4.不要做任何你事后会 懊悔的事.
5.Don’t do things haphazardly. Think before you act. ;5.不要鲁莽行事, 先考虑再做.
6.Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. ;6.不要青红皂白不分.
7.Don’t make sweeping statements. ;7.不要一竿子打翻一船人
8.Once the decision is made,there is no turning back. ;8.一旦做了决定, 就无可挽回.
9.It deserves a second look. ;9.这值得再商榷.
10.Is it worth it? 11.I have to step back and reconsider the whole thing. ;10.这样做值得吗? 11.我必须退一步重新 全盘考虑.
12.He does everything without a second thought. ;12.他做事欠缺考虑. 他做事考虑不周全.
13.Look before you leap. 14.Don’t jump the gun. ;13.三思而后行. 仔细观察后再行动. 14.不要太过急切.
15.Don’t go off half cocked. ;15.枪的扳机还没扣上, 先别忙着击发.
16.Haste makes waste. 17.On second thought, I’d better not. ;16.急则有损. 17.我想了想, 还是不做为妙.
Chapter 3. To Participate Or To Withdraw ;3. 参与、退出
1.Count me in! 2.I’m with you. 3.I’m in! ;1.把我也算进去! 2.我附和你. 3.我加入.
4.Don’t get left out in the cold. 5.Are you in or out? ;4.不要被人冷落在一边. 5.你要加入还是退出?
6.Okay,you are in. 7.I’m glad I’m a part of it. ;6.好,让你加入吧. 7.我很高兴能参与.
8.He has a finger in every pie. ;8.他事事参与.
9.I wash my hands of all their marital problems. ;9.我不愿插手他们的 婚姻纠纷.
10.You’re in it as much as I am. ;10.(这件事)你我陷得 一样深.
11.That’ll drag all of us into it. ;11.那会使大家都惹上 麻烦.
12.I’m pulling out,I want no further part of this. ;12.我要退出,我不愿跟这 有进一步的关联.
13.You’ll have to count me out. ;13.我不想参加, 别把我算进去.
14.I’m not getting involved. 15.I quit! ;14.我可不愿被卷进 漩涡里. 15.我不干了!
16.I’m scared.I want out. 17.He pulled out. ;16.我害怕,我要退出. 17.他退出了.
18.All deals are off. ;18.所有的合约都取消了
19.He had a change of mind at the last minute. ;19.他到了最后一分钟才 变卦.
20.I don’t like sudden changes. 21.She called off the wedding. ;20.我不喜欢到了节骨眼 才改弦易辙. 21.她取消了婚礼.
22.I’ve gone too far to stop now. ;22.我已深陷,难以自拔.
23.Once you sign the contract,there’s no turning back. ;23.一旦你签了约, 就无法挽回.
24.It’s to late for you to chicken out. ;24.事到如今,你想做缩 头乌龟已太迟.
25.We’ve moved beyond the point of no return. ;25.现在要折回太迟了, 我们已越过了不归点
26.The die is cast . 27.I know this will eventually pay off. ;26.生米已煮成熟饭. 27.我知道这个到头来 划算.
Chapter 4. Impressions ;4. 印象
1.Don’t make a bad impression on me. 2.I’m impressed. ;1.不要留给我坏印象. 2.我很佩服.
3.It was awesome! 4.He always has a good word for me. ;3.这令人肃然起敬! 4.他总是说我的好话。
5.He speaks well of her. 6.Offhand,I’d say he’s stupid. ;5.他很赞赏她. 6.如果要我不假思索而 言我会说他很蠢.
7.There’s something phony about that character. ;7.那个人有点儿虚假.
8.I have a tainted view of that type of person. ;8.我对那种类型的人 印象极差.
9.What will people think? ;9.你以为别人会作感想?
10.You know what they’re going to put on your tombstone? ;10.你可知道他们会在你 的墓碑上写些什么吗
11.Please try to put your best foot forward with your new teacher,Bill. ;11.比尔,要做出最好的 表现给你的新老师看
Chapter 5. Philosophy Of Beauty ;5. 美的哲学
1.Beauty is only skin deep. ;1.美是肤浅的.
2.Beauty is skin deep, but ugliness is to the bone. ;2.美只是一张皮,但丑陋 却深入骨.
3.A woman’s beauty fades like a cut flower. ;3.美貌恰似剪下来的花 朵很快凋谢.
4.When the moon is full,I know it’ll soon fade. ;4.每逢月满,我知道它即 将亏蚀.
5.People are becoming more conscious of their appearance. 6.Thin is beautiful ;5.人们愈来愈注重个人 仪表. 6.苗条就是美.
7.Her face is definitely her fortune. ;7.容貌是她最大的本钱.
8.She has a face that sells. ;8.她的卖相很好.
9.What a sneaky face he has! ;9.他长得一脸奸相, 令人讨厌!
10.This car sells by itself. ;10.这种车子不用多费唇 舌.靠它自己(的性能 名气等)就卖得出去.
11.She looks like a bimbo. ;11.她看起来美中带蠢.
Chapter 6. Compliments On Appearance ;6.恭维外貌
1.Looking good. 2.Looking sharp. 3.Looking hot! ;1.模样儿不错. 2.长得潇洒. 3.看起来很撩人!
4.You really look great. 5.You look wonderful. ;4.你的气色好极了. 5.你气色很好.
6.You’ve got a great body! ;6.你有一副好身段!
7.You look clean and well groomed today. ;7.你今天打扮得很整洁.
8.He’s clean as a whistle. ;8.他像口哨一般亮丽.
9.I’m just too darn attractive. ;9.我实在太吸引人了.
Chapter 7. Handsome ;7. 英俊
1.He’s a good-looking kid. ;1.他是个长相漂亮的男 孩子.
2.He’s tall,dark and handsome. 3.He’s a fox. ;2.他高大、肤色健康又 英俊. 3.他很帅.
4.He’s got dashing good looks. 5.He has looks I could die for. ;4.他雄姿英发. 5.他貌若潘安.
6.He is a clean-cut kid who never gets in trouble. ;6.他是个衣着整齐、 眉目清秀、从不闯祸的 小孩.
7.You’re a quite a dish in that suit. 8.You look snazzy. ;7.你穿那件衣服时,显得 秀色可餐. 8.你的穿着新颖.