1. 保持警醒
Stay frosty
2. 一群宅男
a horde of geeks
3. 拔出你的剑来
Unsheathe your sword.
4. 准备好
Lock and load.
5. 保持队形
stay in formation
6. 两个男人在跟踪你
There are two men on your tail.
7. 把苍蝇拍死
Swat the fly off .
8. 给你的文章加点味道吧
Spice up your essay.
9. 敌人在包围我们
The enemies are flanking us.
10. 瞬间移回飞船
Teleport back to spaceship.
11. 一个恶棍FBI警探
a rogue FBI agent
12.听着, 如果你想让别人看你的文章, 你得给它搞得有点声色
Look, spice up your article if you want others to read it.