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首页 英语 时尚口语:Nice Surprises

时尚口语:Nice Surprises

时间:2024-07-20 14:57:01 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Do you like surprises? Sure, there are ’bad’ surprises, like a pop quiz given by your teacher or an unexpected bill. Those are no fun.But there are...

Do you like surprises? Sure, there are ’bad’ surprises, like a pop quiz given by your teacher or an unexpected bill. Those are no fun.

But there are also nice surprises. Have you ever had a surprised party? Didn’t it feel great to be surprised by all your friends and family? Especially when you thought they’d forgotten your birthday.

Have you ever given someone a gift, and that person wasn’t expecting it at all? What kind of look did that person have on his face? It probably looked like complete happiness.

How about a surprise phone call? Right out of the blue...?

Those are the best surprises. Have you ever called someone for no particular reason----just besause you wanted to hear that person’s voice or because you wanted to catch up on old times? Or because you wanted to say ’hi’.

Those are some of the surprises that I like the most.

A surprise like a party or a gift or a phone call that is unexpected somehow feels better than you were expecting. I wonder why that is.

I try to surprise my family sometimes. I bring my wife flowers or give something to my children. You should see the looks on their faces. And that makes me happy, too.

You should surprise people. You’ll probably make their day, and it might make your day, too.

Talk aout it:

When was the last time you give someone a nice surprise?Do you like surprises?Have you ever heard a surprise party?How was other surprised you?What was the good surprice you’ve gotten?What was the bad surprice you’ve gotten?Have you ever give a surprise gift to someone?what was the person’s reaction?Who would you like to give a phonecall to? how would people always react to surprises?

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