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首页 英语 实用英语:217 酒吧 Bar

实用英语:217 酒吧 Bar

时间:2024-07-20 14:55:07 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Listen Read LearnMay: What’s all the security check about, Jimmy? Does it mean the bar may be a dangerous place?Jimmy: No, of course not. Just in case. No...

Listen Read Learn

May: What’s all the security check about, Jimmy? Does it mean the bar may be a dangerous place?

Jimmy: No, of course not. Just in case. Nothing to worry about. Don’t you also do this in China?

May: I don’t know. Maybe the same. Actually, this is my first time being in a bar.

Jimmy: Oh, then it’s my honor to be here with you. I can see now why you’ve been so curious about the bar stuff. You like this place?

May: Sure. I love this place, especially the decoration. So tasteful!

Jimmy: Yeah. Other than that, the real feature are the excellent drinks. Can I have your ticket?

May: Here it is. But, what for? We’re already in.

Jimmy: Well, with the ticket, you can get a free drink. What would you like? Orange juice?

May: Yes, orange juice will be fine for me. But how can you get the drink? It’s so crowded there around the counter. You can barely move.

Jimmy: I’ll show you how. The bar tenders know whose turn it is. And also, I can snap my fingers to catch his attention.

May: Cool. Thanks.

(Jimmy brings May a glass of orange juice.)

May: Oh, fresh juice, I love it. Well, I heard American people love hanging out in bars. Is that true?

Jimmy: Not everyone. But a lot of people do, especially the young. It’s a fun place to spend an evening with friends or to make some new friends.

May: Interesting. Hey, look over there. The dance floor is already packed with people. Oh, the girl in red dances great.

Jimmy: Yeah, a dancing queen. Wanna go and join them?

May: Maybe later. I wanna take some photos first.

Jimmy: Sure. Let me help you to hold the drink.

May: Thank you.


阿美: 吉米,这些安全检查是关于什么的啊?这是不是意味着酒吧可能是一个危险的地方啊?

吉米: 不,当然不是。只是以防万一。没有什么好担心的。在中国不这样做吗?

阿美: 我不知道。可能也一样吧。实际上,这是我第一次来酒吧。

吉米: 哦,那么我很荣幸能陪你来这儿了。现在我明白你为什么对酒吧那么好奇了。你喜欢这个地方吗?

阿美: 当然,我很喜欢这个地方,尤其是它的布置,很风雅。

吉米: 是啊。除了那个,它真正的特点在于酒水特别棒。可以把你的门票给我吗?

阿美: 给你。可是,干什么用啊?我们都已经进来了啊。

吉米: 用这票,你可以得到一杯免费的饮料。你想要什么?橙汁吗?

阿美: 好的,我喝橙汁就行。可是你怎么能买到饮料呢?吧台那边太挤了,动都动不了。

吉米: 我告诉你。酒吧服务员知道该轮到谁了,而且,我可以打响指来吸引他的注意。

阿美: 好酷。多谢。


阿美: 哦,鲜榨的橙汁,我喜欢。对了,我听说美国人都很喜欢逛酒吧。是真的吗?

吉米: 不是每个人,但是很多人都喜欢,尤其是年轻人。这是一个朋友聚会和认识新朋友的好地方。

阿美: 有意思。嗨,看那边。舞池里已经挤满了人了。哦,那个穿红色衣服的女孩跳得真棒。

吉米: 是啊,好一个“跳舞皇后”。想过去和他们一起跳吗?

阿美: 再等一会儿吧。我想先拍一些照片。

吉米: 没问题。让我帮你端饮料吧。

阿美: 谢谢。

经典背诵 Recitation

May: I am in America now. Today I went to a bar for the first time. It was fun. To get in, you would have to go through the security check. The decoration of the bar was very tasteful. It was so crowded there around the counter but my friend Jimmy managed to get me the drinks. Jimmy told me that a lot of American people love hanging out in bars where they could meet friends or make some new friends.


decoration n. 装饰

tasteful adj. 风雅的

barely adv. 几乎不

bar tender 酒吧招待员

dance floor 舞池

packed adj. 挤满的


snap one’s fingers 打响指(用于引起别人的注意)

词汇扩展 Vocabulary Builder



brandy 白兰地

cocktail 鸡尾酒

red wine 红葡萄酒

rum 郎姆酒

vodka 伏特加

whisky 威士忌

white wine 白葡萄酒

yellow rice wine 黄酒


Budweiser 百威啤酒

Carlsberg 加士伯啤酒

champagne 香槟

cider 苹果酒

gin 杜松子酒

martini 马提尼

samshu 烧酒

sherry 雪利酒

家庭总动员 Do it together


( ) will be fine for me.

[例] 家长读 yellow rice wine 黄酒

孩子读 Yellow rice wine will be fine for me. 我喝黄酒就行。

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