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时间:2024-07-20 14:50:17 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:60.Concern 关切 ;10.What’s bothering you? 11.What’s bugging you? 12.What’s on your mind ;10.什么事困扰你呀? 11.什么事使你忧戚不宁? 12.你到底有...

60.Concern 关切 ;

10.What’s bothering you? 11.What’s bugging you? 12.What’s on your mind ;10.什么事困扰你呀? 11.什么事使你忧戚不宁? 12.你到底有什么心事?

13.What’s the matter? You seem troubled. 14.What’s eating him? ;13.怎么啦? 好像你被什么困扰. 14.什么事使他坐立不安?

15.Nothing’s the matter? 16.What’s the matter? 17.What’s wrong? ;15.没什么要紧的事吧? 16.怎么啦? 17.出什么错了?

18.Problems got you down? 19.Problems at work? 20.Why so sad? ;18.难题使你沮丧吗? 19.工作上出了麻烦吗? 20.为何如此悲哀?

21.Why are you so bummed out? 22.Why the long face? ;21.你要死不活地, 是怎么搞的? 22.干嘛拉长着脸呢?

23.Why are you pouting 24.How do you feel? 25.I waited on her hand and foot. ;23.赌什么气呢? 24.好点儿了吗? 25.我无微不至地照顾她.

26.I only did it for you. 27.I’m doing it for your own good. ;26.纯粹是为你我才做的. 27.我这样做, 都是为了你好.

28.If it concerns you, it concerns me. 29.Your business is my business. ;28.凡跟你有关的, 就与我有关. 29.你的事,就是我的事.

30.We’re on the same team. 31.We’re in the same boat. ;30.我们是一伙的. 我们是同路人. 31.我们同舟共济.

32.I’ve got your welfare in mind. ;32.我一直都把你的利益 摆在心上.

33.You are lousy at looking after yourself. ;33.你很不懂得照顾自己.

34.We were worried sick! 35.She’s my sole concern. ;34.我们担心得快弄出 病来了! 35.我唯一关心的就是她.

36.How can I just stand by and do nothing? ;36.我怎能坐视不救呢?

37.I can’t be that indifferent. ;37.我怎能如此漠不关心.

38.I’m aware of your concern. 39.Thank you for your concern. ;38.我晓得你关怀我. 39.感谢你的关心.

40.That’s very thoughtful of you. 41.I’ll be okay.I can take care of myself ;40.你太体贴了. 41.没事,我照顾得了 自己.

42.I’ve seen to all the details. 43.He worries himself over nothing. ;42.所有细节我都已注意 到. 43.他杞人忧天.

44.Don’t worry. We’ll pull through it. ;44.不用担心,我们会逃过 这场灾难.

45.She’s got her head screwed on right. ;45.她精得很.

46.They’ll be okay. They are adults. ;46.他们都是成人, 照说不会有事.

47.They’ll make do. They’re smart. ;47.他们很聪明, 晓得如何随机应变.

48.The nursing staff has been very attentive. ;48.这儿的护理人员都很 亲切.

49.She’s a very considerate and caring person. ;49.她是个懂得体贴和 关心的人.

50.Carry each other’s burdens. ;50.你们要彼此担负重轭.

61.Thoughtfulness 体贴,体谅 ;

1.Go easy on her. 2.Don’t be so narrow-minded. 3.Give him a chance. ;1.要对她和颜悦色些. 2.不要太小心眼儿. 3.再给他一次机会.

4.Open your mind. 5.It’s very thoughtful of you to bring me back a souvenir. ;4.敞开你的心扉. 5.你带回纪念品回来给我 真是太周到了.

6.Put yourself in my shoes. 7.Live and let live! 8.I know how you feel. ;6.你替我设身处地想一想 7.和平共存吧! 8.我懂得你的心情.

9.I know what you’ve been through. 10.I got you. ;9.我知道你经历过什么 苦楚. 10.我懂你的意思了.

11.I dig. 12.It happened to me on a smaller scale. ;11.我明白了. 12.同样的事也发生过在 我身上,只是没那么严重.

13.I know what it feels like to hit bottom. ;13.我可以体会跌入深谷 的感觉.

14.Thanks for being so understanding. ;14.谢谢你如此体谅人.

15.We are sympathetic. ;15.我们很同情你的处境. 我们深表同情.

62.Consolation 安慰 ;

1.I want to lend my moral support. ;1.我想去做一下精神支持

2.We all like to know somebody cares for us. ;2.谁都喜欢有人关怀自己

3.We all need someone to wipe away our tears. ;3.我们都需要别人来安抚 伤痛.

4.We all need someone to lean on. ;4.我们都需要有人来支撑 脆弱的心.

5.How reassuring. 6.How encouraging! ;5.我听了以后,安心多了. 6.你这番话鼓舞了我! 多么鼓舞人!

7.Justice is on your side. 8.Good will triumph over evil. ;7.公理会站在你这一边. 8.邪不胜正.

9.Into each life a little rain must fall. ;9.一生中,难免遭到少许 挫折.

10.It’s just a drop in the bucket. 11.Don’t be so down. ;10.这是鸡毛蒜皮的琐事. 11.别那样死气沉沉.

12.Don’t look so sad. Put on a happy face ;12.别那么难过, 换一副笑容吧.

13.When things go wrong,smile. ;13.遇事不顺, 亦应处之泰然.

14.Everything works out for the best. 15.Things often turn out for the better. ;14.总会雨过天晴. 15.否极泰来.

16.Things have a way of working out. 17.Everything turns out for the best. ;16.风水轮流转,十年河东 十年河西. 17.气运自会好转.

18.Don’t fret.Things will get better. 19.You gotta have faith. ;18.不用焦虑,情况会好转 19.你非得有信心不可.

20.The worst is over. 21.Take heart! 22.Every cloud has a silver lining. ;20.最坏的阶段已成过去. 21.坚强点儿. 22.每件事都有好的一面.

23.There are two sides to every coin. 24.Heck!A door slams, a window opens. ;23.任何事都有正反两面. 24.去他的! 人有一失,必有一得.

25.When God closes one door,he opens another. ;25.天无绝人之路.

26.Sometimes faith is what keeps you going. ;26.有时信心是支撑你 继续奋斗的原动力.

27.Don’t comfort me, it’s no use. 28.He’s sulking. ;27.不用安慰我,那不济事 28.他在闹别扭.

29.Don’t be so hard on yourself. ;29.不要太苛责自己.

30.You can only do so much. 31.Now,cheer up! ;30.你能做的都已做了. 31.好啦,想开点儿吧!

32.Don’t take it too hard. 33.Don’t be blue. 34.Chin up! ;32.不要为它太难过. 33.不要太忧郁. 34.不要垂头丧气!

35.Don’t be so pessimistic. 36.It’s not so bad. ;35.不要太悲观. 36.情况没你想的那么糟.

37.Things could be a lot worse! ;37.还有比这更恶劣的呢!

38.Brace yourself! 39.We’ll find a way. 40.We’ll ride this storm out. ;38.打起精神来! 39.我们会找到解方. 40.我们会安度这场风暴.

41.We’re going to pull through. 42.It’s part of life. ;41.我们会克服这重难关. 42.这是人生必经之过程.

43.It’s just one of those things. ;43.这只是诸多倒楣事之 一.

44.Don’t fall apart on me now. 45.Stop crying. ;44.现在可别倚在我身上 号啕大哭. 45.别哭了.

46.Whatever is done is done. ;46.生米已煮成熟饭了, 你还能怎样.

47.What’s the use of crying over spilt milk? ;47.为无可挽救的事伤心, 于事何补?

48.Let go of the past. 49.It’s over with. ;48.过去的事不要再追究 了. 49.这成了昨日黄花.

50.Yesterday was yesterday. Live for today. ;50.好汉不提当年勇,要 脚踏实地.

51.No road is so long it has no turning. ;51.愁苦不会没尽头.

52.Make the most of each day. 53.There’s always another chance. ;52.勿负今日. 53.总会另有转机.

54.Don’t give up. 55.Things can change. 56.There’s always next time. ;54.不要放弃希望. 55.苦尽则甘来. 56.总有下一次的机会.

57.There’s always hope 58.Every dog has his day. ;57.还会有希望. 58.瓦片尚有翻身日, 为人岂无走运时?

59.It’s not the end of the world. 60.The world’s not going to end. ;59.这不是世界末日. 60.世界还没到尽头.

61.Doomsday hasn’t come yet. 62.Life goes on. ;61.世界末日还没到. 62.死不了,日子照样过 下去.

63.There’s always tomorrow. 64.It’s always the darkest before dawn. ;63.总还有明天的希望. 64.黎明之前,总是最黑暗 的时刻.

63.Encouragement 鼓励 ;

1.Keep going. You can make it. ;1.继续试下去, 你会成功的.

2.You always give up before trying. ;2.你老是连试都没试就 放弃.

3.There’s a first time for everything. 4.You’re throwing your life away. ;3.凡事都有起头儿第一遭 4.你在糟蹋你这一生.

5.You’re ruining your life. 6.You can’t go on like this. ;5.你正在毁灭你这一生. 6.你不能老这样下去.

7.This has got to stop 8.All you need is a little push. ;7.这非中止不可. 8.你所需要的,只是一点 儿鞭策.

9.The coach gave them a pep talk. ;9.教练跟他们说了一番 打气的话.

10.What you need is a good kick in the ass. ;10.你所欠缺的,只是别人 给你一个有力的刺激.

11.She needs a little boost. 12.Be worthy of yourself. ;11.她需要稍打点儿气. 12.不要辱没你自己.

13.Pull yourself together. 14.Don’t let him intimidate you. ;13.振作起来! 14.别让他吓着了你.

15.Stand tall! 16.Stand tough! 17.Assert yourself. ;15.昂然站起来! 16.雄赳赳地站立着! 17.要维护你自己的权利.

18.Where is your ambition? 19.Make me proud of you. ;18.你的雄心大志哪儿去 啦? 19.要让我以你为荣.

20.The whole world is your oyster. 21.You’re the master of your destiny. ;20.整个世界都是你大展 鸿图之地. 21.你是自己命运的主宰.

22.Go set the world on fire! 23.Give it all you’ve got. ;22.去做一番惊天动地的 事业! 23.把你的潜力发挥出来.

24.Have some self-respect. 25.Don’t put yourself down ;24.要有自尊. 25.不要瞧不起你自己.

26.Use your gifts. ;26.要善用你的天赋.

27.Give yourself another chance. ;27.再多给你自己一次 机会!

28.Don’t you want to be somebody? ;28.你不愿做个功成名就 的显赫人物吗?

29.You’ve got your bright future ahead of you. ;29.你有灿烂的前途.

30.Do yourself a favor and go find a job. ;30.帮你自己一个忙,去找 份工作做.

31.Be good to yourself 32.Stand strong! 33.We’re all counting on you. ;31.要善待自己. 32.不要向压力屈服! 33.我们全看你的了.

34.That’s the spirit! 35.You can do better than that. ;34.那才是应有的态度! 35.你可以做得比那个 更好些.

36.Merely to maintain is to lose in the end. ;36.仅仅保持现状, 终将遭致失败.

37.Be the best or nothing. ;37.要就做最好, 不然全拉倒.

38.Where there’s life, there’s hope. ;38.留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧.

39.Better to have a pat on the back than a kick in the butt. ;39.被鼓励, 总比遭人白眼强.

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