It's a really popular destination.
A: Beijing's packed with tourists now.
A: 北京现在到处都是旅游的人。
B: Yes, I guess it's a really popular destination nowadays.
B: 是的,我想现在它是一个非常受人欢迎的目的地。
A: Look at this – the hotel is full of tourists.
A: 看这——这家旅馆全是游客。
B: What language are they speaking? I can't understand what they're speaking.
B: 他们在讲什么语言?我不明白他们在说什么。
A: I'm not sure. It might be French or Spanish. I'm not really sure.
A: 我不知道。可能是法语或者西班牙语。我不十分肯定。