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首页 英语 时尚口语:learning from daily life

时尚口语:learning from daily life

时间:2024-07-20 14:21:08 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:When I was a child, I always like reading fairy tales about heros who were good, who had to go through many difficult situations often battling the bad guys bef...

When I was a child, I always like reading fairy tales about heros who were good, who had to go through many difficult situations often battling the bad guys before he or she lived happily ever after. I grew up thinking that the good always trumped over the evil. Hollywood films are like that too. No matter what the arts the .......usually wins at end.No matter what happens in the movie, you can assume at the end the good guys win.

Well, even though the stories are not so realistic and even though we rarely face...and tasks, there are some similarities we share with the heros of the stories or the movies. We learn lessons everyday. Just like the charactors in....,there are lessons to be learned from my daily adventures. Sometimes the adventures are bit ordinary,but the experience is ... The more experience we have and lessons we learn, the better we can function and the adventures just can easier, or at least we can take on bigger challenges or at least avoid making the same mistakes.

Talk about it,did you learn any good lessons recently? DO you remember one of the first big lessons you learn?Perhaps what about ... was fair. Do you think people turn to be a big ...or cynical if they have too many difficult experiences? Why is it that something just have to be experienced and can’t be learn in a book? Do you believe that every story has a happy ending? Do you ever give advise to people about the lessons that you have aready learned? What is the value of life experience? What is the most important life lesson you have learned? Can we really learn from someone else’s mistakes?

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