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外企白领口语速查速说 Unit 6 业务往来 02 议价

时间:2024-07-20 14:06:18 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Bargain报价quotation =quoted/offering priceA: Our quotations are the most attractive.B: But theyre still beyond my expectation.A: In that case,I can do nothin...



quotation =quoted/offering price

A: Our quotations are the most attractive.

B: But theyre still beyond my expectation.

A: In that case,I can do nothing.

B: OK.Do you have in stock?

单价 unit/ piece price

A: Id like to know about your offer for a dish washer.

B: The unit price is 88 US dollars.

A: Would you accept orders according to our own design?

B: Itll be okay if your order is a large one.

实盘 firm offer

A: Could I have your firm offer?

B: How many pieces do you want?

A: 5,000.

B: Now we offer you firm for 5,000 pieces of Item No.5

at 65,000 US dollars.


Nonfirm offer

=Offers without engagement

A: These are the offers of the three different specifications.

B: Thank you.Are they firm ones?

A: No,they are made without engagement.

All orders will be subject to our final confirmation.

B: I see.

最后报价 final offer

A: Your offer is too high to be acceptable.

B: Our quotations are always in line with the world market.

A: Is this your final offer?

B: No,its negotiable.


How long will you leave your offer open?

A: May I have your offer of model YB 101?

B: Sure.

A: How long will you leave your offer open?

B: Its valid for 3 days.


modify/improve/renew an offer

A: Sorry,we have to withdraw our offer of Oct.20.

B: Why?

A: It needs to be modified.

Well work the new quotation out tomorrow for you.

B: Thats fine.

延长报价 extend the offer

A: Could you extend your offer for a week?

B: OK,well reserve it for you until the end of this month.

A: Thank you very much!

B: We hope to get the deal done as soon as possible.


cancel an offer =withdraw an offer

A: We tend to make you a firm offer at these prices.

B: Are these prices on your best terms?

A: Yes.And itll be canceled

if we havent received your reply within a week.

B: I get it.

毛价 a gross price

A: We can quote you a gross price of $21 per 10 items.

B: Does it include the delivery charge?

A: Yes,and our goods are exempt from VAT(ValueAdded Tax).

B: Oh,thats nice.

报价单 quotation

A: May I have a look at your quotation?

B: Sure.Youll find our price quite favorable.

A: Could I keep it for further study?

B: No problem!Please call me any time you like.

询价单 inquiry list

A: Were really interested in item No.4.

How about the supply?

B: We can supply from stock.

A: This is our inquiry list.

B: OK,the quotation can be sent to you tomorrow.


CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight)/FOB(Free on Board)

A: Here is our price list of all the articles.

B: Are all prices on CIF or FOB basis?

A: Its FOB price sheet.

B: Please quote CIF prices for us.

估价 indication of the price

A: Could you give an indication of the price?

B: Certainly!

A: In addition,wed like to see the samples first.

B: Please follow me.

折扣 discount

A: May I ask if you allow any discount?

B: If your order is large enough,

well give you some discount.

A: Any further discount for cash?

B: Sorry,we havent.


Delivery Date =Time of Delivery

A: How long will it take you to deliver the orders?

B: One month at most after receipt of the covering L/C

(Letter of Credit).

A: How about the special orders?

B: Itll take longer,

but never longer than 3 months.

最低报价 lowest quotation

A: Were in great need of Grade A.

Could I have your lowest quotations?

B: Sorry,Grade A is not available at the moment.

A: Not a small quantity?

B: No,Grade A is in high demand these days.

减价 reduction

A: We ask for a reduction of 10%.

B: This is our rockbottom price.

A: But you know the current international market is declining.

B: OK,well reduce another 5 US Dollars.

还价/还盘 counter offer

A: Your price is not in the least encouraging.

B: Then whats your counter offer?

A: You need to cut your price at least by 4%.

B: Thats impossible.

成交 concluding business

A: There is no likelihood of concluding business at your price.

B: Dont be serious.How much can you take off?

A: 4% off.Thats the final offer.

B: OK,our business is closed at this price.

成本价 cost price

A: For the sake of our friendship,

could you lower another 5 dollars?

B: To be frank,weve cut down our price to cost level.

We can only take another 2 dollars off.

A: Done!Thank you very much!

B: Im also very happy we have closed the business finally.


meet each other half way

=take the median of both sides

A: If you hold on your original offer,

business will be impossible.

B: But you cant expect us to make such a big reduction.

A: Lets meet each other half way.

B: Ok,thats not bad.

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