1. 电话号码、汽车牌照等编码的读法:依顺序将每一个号码用基数(one, two等)读出,号码中的0读成英文字母O。如:
My telephone number is eight two nine O O six seven.
My account number is two O one one.
2. 其他各种数字的读法
▲ $10.20读作:ten dollars and twenty (cents) 或ten dollars twenty
This book cost me ten dollars and twenty (cents).
▲ 35.15(三十五点一五)读作:thirty-five point one five
▲ 0.301(零点三零一)读作:(naught) point three naught one
The length of this hair is (naught) point naught six two meter.
▲ 35℃(三十五度)读作:thirty-five degrees
Your temperature is thirty-six degrees.
▲ -20℃(零下二十度)读作:twenty degrees below zero
The outside air temperature is ten degrees below zero.
▲ 80%(百分之八十)读作:eighty per cent
▲ No.1. (Number one) = the first (number)第一号
▲ Lesson 10 (Lesson ten) = the tenth lesson第十课
▲ Chapter 5 (Chapter five) = the fifth chapter 第五章
▲ P.40 (Page forty) = the fortieth page第40页
▲ Book VI (Book six) = the sixth book 第六册
▲ Line 8 (Line eight) = the eighth line 第八行
Open Book II (Book two), turn to P.40 (Page forty), look at Lesson 10 (Lesson ten), Chapter 5 (Chapter five), mark the content from Line 8 (Line eight) with color pencil.
▲ World War II (World War two) = the Second World War 第二次世界大战
▲ Napoleon III = Napoleon the third 拿破仑三世
▲ King George VI = King George the Sixth 英王乔治六世
不是 King George Six
▲ Queen Elizabeth II = Queen Elizabeth the Second 女王伊莉沙白二世
不是Queen Elizabeth Two