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时间:2024-07-20 13:03:29 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Chinese Style: It was so late there was no taxi.American Style: It was so late that there was no taxi available.Chinese Style: Your coat is broken.American Styl...

Chinese Style: It was so late there was no taxi.

American Style: It was so late that there was no taxi available.

Chinese Style: Your coat is broken.

American Style: Your coat is torn.

Chinese Style: Let me help you to do your work.

American Style: Let me help you with your work.

Chinese Style: Susan didn’t make a fault anyway.

American Style: Susan didn’t make a mistake anyway.

Chinese Style: He becomes better.

American Style: He got better.

Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.

American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.

Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o’clock. It’s about eleven now, Hurry up !

American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o’clock. It’s nearly eleven now, Hurry up !

Chinese Style: It was still bright outside.

American Style: It was still light outside.

Chinese Style: The hall can seat two hundred people.

American Style: The hall seats two hundred people.

Chinese Style: Anywhere will do.

American Style: Any place will do.

Chinese Style: Wait here please, I’ll come back in a minute.

American Style: Wait here please, I’ll be back in a minute.

Chinese Style: I am uncomfortable.

American Style: I don’t feel well.

Chinese Style: Common students in US don’t wear a uniform.

American Style: The average student in US don’t wear a uniform.

Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad ?

American Style: Who made this salad ?

Chinese Style: His restaurant attracts lots of customers.

American Style: His restaurant attracts lots of guests.

Chinese Style: My friend Tony died in a traffic accident.

American Style: My friend Tony was killed in a traffic accident.

Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English.

American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.

American Style: It is difficult for children to understand that.

Chinese Style: Don’t step on the grass.

American Style: Keep off the grass.

Chinese Style: I get my salary twice a month.

American Style: I get paid twice a month..

Chinese Style: Would you like a drink ?

American Style: Would you like something to drink ?

Chinese Style: Let me examine your pulse.

American Style: Let me feel your pulse.

Chinese Style: I have no exercise talent.

American Style: I am not athletic.

Chinese Style: Don’t expect me too much.

American Style: Don’t expect too much from (of ) me.

Chinese Style: I know his face.

American Style: I know him by sight.

Chinese Style: I forget my hat in the house.

American Style: I left my hat in the house.

Chinese Style: Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Lin

American Style: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Lin

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